Chapter 3

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Author-chan: sorry I did not edit this so sorry for spelling errors

Karma: wait you didn't edit this?!

Author-chan: nope

Nagisa: why?

Author-chan: because I'm to lazy

Karma: lazy Author, do your job better!

Nagisa: just start the story all ready!

Author-chan: fine fine


Karma's pov

I start to walk to the blue haired girl as I see two shady looking guys walk up to her, they look to be high schoolers.

"Hey girly" said the taller one
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here" said the shorter one
"Not talking huh" said tall dude
"Well it must be boring here, come with us and we'll have some fun" said short dude,grabbing her wrist
"No. Let go of me!" She said struggling to get out of his grip
"On come on, it'll be fun" said tall dude, as they drag her to an alleyway where no one can see them.

(A/N sorry for the wired name's.( the name "dude") I just did it because I don't feel like making up a name that will only be used once)

I fallow them to the alleyway were they took her to. Then I hear yelling

"Hey! Get her!!" Tall dude yelled
"I'm trying" short dude yelled
"Well try harder" tall dude yelled
"I can't! She's to fast!" Short dude yelled
"how hard is it to catch a girl?!" Tall dude yelled

'Huh it sounds like there having troubles catching that girl, well I guess I don't have to go save her huh' I think to my self

"Were did she go!!!" Short dude yelled
"up there" yelled tall dude
"How the h*ll did she get up there?!" Yelled short dude
"quite easy actually" she said
" when you let go of my hands, I quickly slipped around you and ran a bit while you tried to catch me, you were so busy arguing that you didn't see me climbing up here, and when you did it was all ready to late" she said starting to runaway
"Well why don't you come down here and fight" tall dude said
"Well if I did that then I'd surely lose" she said running away

As I see her run by me I see her look at my with her 'innocence face and big blue eyes, she's so cute- wait WHAT!!!WHAT AM I THINKING!!!' I think to myself

*Sigh* 'I guess I should go home to get some sleep, that's probably why I'm thinking like this' I think to my self

Nagisa's pov

When the taller one pushed me agents the wall his hands around my wrists, I winced in pain from the sudden contact, he noticed it and took his hands off my wrists so he could start to try and touch me inappropriately, so when he left go I quickly ran around him and he tried to catch me but I wouldn't let him, so when they started yelling at each other they weren't as focused on me so I quickly climbed the broken pipes to a ledge high enough that they can't reach me, then I explain to them how I did it, and run out of the alleyway, and I see a red headed boy just standing there, he looked at me with a shocked look but then smiled at me, 'his red hair flowing in the wind, he looks so cute with that smile.. WAIT WHAT!!!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!!' I think to myself as I run

Well I better get going before someone else tries to kidnap me


Author-chan: sorry about the short chapter but, see ya next time, bye bye 👋

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