Chapter 2

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Author-chan: karma-kun your up next

Karma: sure

Author-chan: so, are you excited to see nagisa-kun next chapter?

Karma: wait I get to see my little blueberry next chapter?

Author-chan: yep, you get to see YOUR little blueberry next chapter

Karma: hey!!! I didn't mean it like that!!! o///o

Author-chan: right right. Ok on to the chapter

Karma: hey I wasn't done yet

Author-chan: well to bad


Karma's pov

'Bored.So bored. Stuck in a stupid palace all day can be really boring, and the worst part is that there's no one wondering the halls so, there's no one to prank or tease.' Karma though

"Karma-sama " said a maid leaning on the door frame
"Yes rio?" I Asked curiously
"Your father wishes to speak to you in the throne room " said rio with a hint of boredom in her voice
"Strange, dad never wants to talk to me, unless it is important" I mumbles to him self, but just loud enough for rio to hear
"Well u better get going then" rio said boredly
"Ok. Oh hey, you want to go and prank someone later?" I asked happy
"Sure. We can go hangout at my break" rio said excitedly

**Time skip to the throne room**

"Karma" asked karma's dad
"Yes dad?" I asked
"Have you found a bride yet?" Dad asked curiously
"No I haven't " I said
"Hmmm" dad said
"Hmmm?" I asked
"If karma can't find a bride here in hell then maybe he should go to the surface, some demons live among the humans.and if he can't find a demon to be his bride then maybe he can find a human." Dad mumbled to quite for me to hear
"It's decided. You will go to the surface to find a bride. And at this point I don't even care if it is human" dad said frustrated
"Wh..what?" I said as rio came in with tea
"Would you like some tea my Grace?" Rio asked
"Yes"dad said
"Now were would we,ah yes, you will go to the surface to find a bride and while your there you will be staying in a nice house and going to a best school in Japan."dad said
"What? No I'm not going to the surface alone" I said angrily
"Here you go your Grace" rio says handing him his tea
"Fine. Rio will come with you" dad said
"She'll what?"
"I'm what" we said in unison
"You two will go to the surface and attend Kunugigaoka Junior High School. And find a bride for karma"
Said dad
"Now go get ready. You'll go later today at 12:25 pm " said dad
"Fineeeee." I said angrily

**Time skip to the new house **
(because I'm to lazy to write about packing😒)

"I call this room" Rio called running to the second biggest bed room in the house.
"Fine. I guess I'll take this one" I said walking to the biggest bed room

The house was a three story mansion. There was 5 guests bedrooms, 2 normal bedrooms(mine and rio's bedrooms), a huge kitchen, living room, a huge pool, etc.(because I don't feel like writing what all of the rooms are. Mostly because I don't know yet)

******Time skip. Brought to you by an lazy Author-chan *************

"Ok this is boring" I said lazily
"Seriously, we've been here for less then half an hour" rio said
"So?"I said
"So, go do something. I'm still unpacking" rio said continuing to unpacking her stuff
"Fine!!!!" I said getting up and walking out the door
"Were are you going?" Rio asked curiously
"I'm going to the park, were do you think?" I said
"Oh and why are you doing that?" Rio asked
"Because it's boring here and I can try to find a bride like father said" I said walking out of the house

******Time skip to the park******

As I walk through the park I see many people,couples,kids. I feel a little uncomfortable when I see some people staring at me, or more like my hair that is. I seem to be the only one with unnatural coloured hair. And than I heard some whispering like:

"Look at his hair "
"It's probably died"
"No it doesn't look like it's died"
"Then how is it like that?"
"He's so hot"
"Do u think he's single?"
"Should I ask him out?"

I hate when people do this.
I really gets on my nerves.
This is my natural hair colour. It's nothing special. My whole family has this colour of hair, that's how you can tell we are demon royalty. But only demons know that so, I am perfectly safe being around the humans.

I walk around for a bit and then I see what seems to be a blue haired girl sitting on a bench, so I decide to walk up to her to say hi

And that's when everything changed.....


Author-chan: ok that's all for today bye

Karma: hey I'm still not done yet

Author-chan: bye bye 👋

A/N sorry about the chapter, it is kinda boring but I'll make the next one interesting, very interesting, no not in a dirty way like I know your thinking "mintybunny464 " and everyone else who is reading this. But hope you liked it 🤗

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