Chapter 9

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Author: hey guys. Sorry it's been awhile since the last update so on with the story shall we

Author: also this is has no karmagisa pov so sorry, the karmagisa will be next chapter ok.


Assassin's pov

I'm the best demon assassin there is. I'm not really sure why the boss told me to be careful, and to always keep a weapon on me at all times. I mean I'm not assassinating anyone,  and I'm only here because assassins are known to be sneaky, and the boss doesn't want my target to know that I'm here.

I think as I am watching through the window from afar tree were no one can see me. I don't see my target anywhere. My target should be here, this is his class after all.

I feel a pare of eyes burning holes into my back.
" who are you?" He asked
As I turned around I see my target sitting on the branch behind me.
" who are you and why are you spying on me and my classmates?" He repeated. I froze as I see my target staring right at me.
How did he know that I was here? I thought
" are you just going to stand there all day? Answer the question!" He said showing of a bit of bloodlust.

Wow that boy has a lot of bloodlust, it's kinda terrifying. Oh I better answer his question. I thought out of fear
" w..well I-I" I said not knowing what to say

How did he know that I'm an assassin? I thought as a guy with spiky black hair came run towards us. I ran away out of sight as quickly as I can because I can't afford to get caught.

As I am just a far enough away to hear what they're saying but not close enough to be seen by my target and what I'm assuming is his teacher. I hear

" Nagisa were did the spy/assassin go?" Karasuma said
" oh he just ran of over there" Nagisa said pointing in my direction
" what do you suppose we do about him" Nagisa asked
" well we can question him about why he was spying on us when we fined him" karasuma said
"Nagisa do you think that you can fined him?" Karasuma asked
" sure. I'll try " Nagisa said

Huh. So Nagisa's his name. Well I don't think that he can find me. I am an assassin after all. WAIT were did Nagisa go?!

" found you " Nagisa said hanging off of a tree branch again
" wha. What but how?" I asked being confused
" well it was simple. You just didn't hide vary well" Nagisa said
I ran a bit and transported back to hell before they could get me.

??? Pov

My assassin came back early I see. Well he better have some information about mr. Shiota

" hello master. I am sorry for coming back early but there is a slight problem. " he said
" and what may that be ?" I asked
" well my target found out that I was watching them from afar and he kept popping out of nowhere and I'm not sure how" he said
" well now that he knows that your following him I guess we should let the challenges begin" I said
" yes sir" he said before running of

Well I guess that the challenges are going to happen sooner than expected.

Good luck Nagisa Shiota. Your gonna need it


Author: bye love you my amazing readers!!!!Come back again soon!!!!

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