Chapter 8

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Author: hey guys. Sorry but this chapter only has Rio's pov and ???'s pov so ya. But still read it because it is still apart of the story so, with that said let's get on with the story shall we


Rio's pov

Ring ring

" 'groin' " I groined
" it's to early!!!" I said getting out of bed to see who's calling
" hello, Rio here, how can I help you?" I said to the other person on the phone
" hello, Rio, has karma found a bride yet?" The king asked
" no not yet, but there is this little bluenette that he's getting extremely close too" I said
" oh is that so?" He asked
" ya, surprisingly he's letting a non demon boy to get close to him" I said
" a non demon you say?" He said
" yes, at least I don't think that he's a demon" I said confusing myself
" how do you not know? Demon's and humans may look similar in human form but have some differences. For example, hair colour and fangs" he said
" well sir, that method does work normally but there's a slight problem " I said
" and that is?" He ask
" well it's nothing like anything I've seen or heard of before" I said
" what do you mean?" He ask
" I mean that he doesn't have a demon or human colour of hair. And I can't quite tell if he has fangs or not." I said
" well that's strange. " he said
" what do you mean" I question
" I mean that it's strange that I didn't find out about this sooner. I had the best demon nights go down to the school un noticed to see if it was safe or if anything strange was going on there, before karma could go. But they told me that nothing strange was going on. What is this boys name?" He asked
" oh, his name is Nagisa, Shiota Nagisa " I said
" what a girly name. I don't remember my guards telling me about him." He said
" well he is really short and not very noticeable other than his hair " I said
" well I got to go so please help find karma a bride. And if he is interested in this Nagisa that try to get them together ok" he said
" alright sir, karma will be head over heals for Nagisa in no time, that is if he isn't already. I mean seriously for a guy he is extremely cute and feminine" I said smirking at my own comment
" well I hope so " he said

*call ended *

Well I guess I better get to it then.
This is going to be fun

??? Pov

A blue haired boy huh. How unusual. He could be a danger to everyone, I'll have to be careful. If worst comes to worst we might have to get rid of him, I really hope we don't, the young prince seems to have taken a likening to him. Maybe I should get one of my personal assassins to go down and see if he's suitable for the soon to be king. Give him a few challenges, I wonder how he will react.

Let the games begin....


Author: can you guess who ??? Could be? Or what the challenges maybe? What will happen next. Stay tuned for the next chapter and find out.

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