Chapter 5

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Author: ok so I'm not going to put author-chan anymore because my best friend is getting mad at me for putting chan

Nagisa: why would she be getting mad?

Author: to be honest I'm not sure. But anyways onto the story


Nagisa's pov



'What is happening to me? My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest!' I thought as I sat down at my desk just before class started

" nagisa-kun are you ok?" sugino asked
" Y..ya I'm fine" I said

" alrighty we have two new students everyone" Koro-Sensai said
"You can come in now" Koro-Sensai  said
"Oi. I'm Akabane karma." The redhead said with an evil smile that said ' don't mess with me'
"Hi I'm nakamura rio" the blonde haired girl said with almost the same smile but not as scary, just shows a bit of mischief.

The redhead scanned the room looking at everyone and then he stopped and looked at me. The evil looking smile disappeared.
I could have sworn I saw him blush.
WAIT BLUSH! WHY IS HE BLUSHING?! It was only a second that he was blushing, but it was so short that I couldn't tell if he was actually blushing or not.

Karma's pov

After I introduced myself I scanned the room to see who my new classmates were. Then I saw her. I just stared into her beautiful blue eyes. I didn't even notice I was staring at first. When I notice that I was staring I blushed. I'm not sure why I blushed but, I blushed, it was only for a second but, I blushed, and I have never blushed before so for me to blush is an extraordinary thing to see. ' oh I hope no one saw that' I thought to myself

Rio's pov

Me and Karma introduced our selfs and looked around the room. There were a lot of happy faces. Witch is weird considering that this is the worst class in the school. I look over at karma thinking that he would be bored out of his mind but, he was the exact opposite, he was staring at someone girl, or was it a guy, You really couldn't tell, but for some reason he seemed really interested in this person. Then he blushed. WAIT WHAT! BLUSHED! he doesn't just blush for no reason, really he doesn't blush at all. Then I look a the reason why he was blushing, and it was that blue haired person. Oh what do we have here? It looks like karma has a crush on a little someone. I mean I can see why he likes them, they have nice looks, but karma has never been one to care about looks. Maybe he has met them before. Or could it be love at first sight. Well what ever it is, this person must be pretty special to get karma to blush, and I'm just going to say that this blue haired person doesn't look like much. WAIT BLUE! I don't think that blue is a natural human colour of hair, heck blue isn't even a natural demon colour of hair, and demons can have almost any colour of hair, but blue is not one of them. So, why does this human have blue hair? It doesn't seem like they died there hair so why is it blue? Oh this is so confusing.

" ok you two can sit in the back. Nuhhhhhh" koro-sensai said.
We sat in the only two sets in the back. We got to sit beside each other, witch is an good thing seeing as I can ask him why he was blushing.

Then I saw karma cut one of the octopuses tentacles off.
"Hey tech you shouldn't leave your guard down, it might get you killed" karma said as he smiles his evil grin and goes to his set. I could tell that karma's words really got to the octopus.

Karma's pov

After I cut off one of the octopuses tentacles We went to the back of the classroom were are sets are, and when we got to our sets class started. Then Rio whispered something to me

"Hey karma I saw you staring at someone and blushing. Care to tell why?" Rio asked with and evil grin
"Well for one I wasn't blushing and two I was just staring because I bumped into her earlier today" I said to her and it wasn't a complete lie, I did bump into her earlier, but I was blushing I just couldn't admit it.
"Oooo someone's got a crush" Rio said in an teasing manner
" no I don't" I said back
" in denial " she said still teasing
"Shut up and pay attention to the lessons ok" I said not wanting to talk about the subject.

Author: ok I hope you guys liked the story. Comment what you guys want to happen( no smug ) and see you next time bye 👋

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