Chapter 6

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Author: hello again

Karma: author you really need to update more often and make it more interesting

Author: fine I'll try but you need to be nicer to me

Karma: and why is that?

Author: because your always Threatening to beat me up but you never do it and it's annoying

Karma: well that's because your so short and innocent

Author: I'm not short I'm actually very tall for my age. Plus your how many years older than me

Karma: well your in 7 th grade so do the math

Author: ya no. Not happening. Now onto the story before I'm forced to do math


Karma's pov

It's the end of the day and I found myself looking at that bluenette all day. Ok for all the classes that I didn't skip. I know that it's rude to stare but, I just couldn't help myself, I'm not sure why I keep looking at her, there's just something about her, I'm not sure what but I just can't shake the feeling that there's something off about her, but I just can't put my finger on it

"Hey karma, are you just going to sit there all day. School is over" Rio said
"oh sorry, I guess I just spaced out" I reply
"So whatcha thinking about, I bet it's that bluenette" Rio said with her evil smirk
"" I said. Wait did I just stutter? No I never stutter. Then why did I just stutter? I thought
" oh come on. I saw the way you looked at her. You should go talk to her" Rio said
" why should I?" I said
"Do you really need a reason?" Rio said
"Yep" I said
"Well for starters, you could really use a friend"Rio said
"And why might that be?" I said
" well maybe that bluenette can keep you out of trouble, because I sure can't. Plus you seem pretty interested in him, or is it a she, I still can't tell" Rio said that last part looking quite confused
"What makes you say that?" I ask
" well if your asking about why I think your interested in that bluenette. It's because you've been staring at him/she all day. And why I can't tell if it's a girl or a guy is because it looks like a girl but wears a boys uniform"
" now that you mention it. That human does look like a girl but wears a boys uniform"I said
" well to be honest I can't even tell if it's a human or not. I mean I'm pretty sure that humans can't have blue hair, and neither can demons. So, why does it have blue hair?" Rio said confused
" huh. Oh that's right. Humans can't have natural hair colour like that. But now that I think of it. That bluenette's hair doesn't seem to be died. So hair dye is out of the question." I said
" ok well, why don't you ask it. Oh and while your at it could you ask it it's gender?"
"Sure sure.but only if you stop bugging me?" I said
"Fine. Now hurry before it leaves" Rio said
Then I saw the bluenette walking down the hill so I ran over to her

"Hey..." I said as I ran
"Wait where'd she go?" I said to myself. I look around a bit but saw no one.

"Ahh!!!!" I cried out. It felt like someone had stabbed daggers into my back, and for some odd reason I saw snakes rap around me, it started to feel like it was choking me. It scared the heck out of me. I turned around quickly to see a certain bluenette poking my back

"are you looking for something"she asked with an innocent smile
"Wait how did you get behind me?You were just in front of me" I asked
" oh you ran by me without notice me. And you seemed to be looking for someone" she said
" oh sorry. I guess I didn't see you because your so short" I said in a teasing manner
"Hey I'm not that short!" She said
" Now if your not short then what are you?"I asked her still teasing
" well I'm not short, your just to tall" she said crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks out in frustration like a little kid
" sure sure. Oh and Rio asked me to ask you what your gender is" I asked calmly
" well for your information I'm a guy" she- wait he said
" wait.WHAT?" I asked
" wait did you think that I was a girl?" He asked
" no! Umm well yes actually" I said embarrassed
'I can't believe I thought that he was a girl. Good going karma' I thought to myself face palming my face

" are you ok?" He asked
" ya just can't believe I thought you were a girl" I said
" it's ok, don't worry. It happens quite often" he said laughing nervously
" well I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow" he said throw the school gates and around the corner

"Ok. Wait I need to ask you something" I said running around the corner to see he already out of sight
"ok that's not fair. It's like you can disappear into thin air whenever you want to" I said to myself in frustration

I still have a strange feeling about him. I mean like were did those snakes come from earlier. It scared me so much, and I've never had someone scare me before, and yet he did it without even trying.
There's definitely something off about him, and I'm going to find out

I hope your ready to talk Shiota. Because you don't have a choice


Author: hey hope you liked the story. And pls if you have any ideas of what you want to see happen in this story pls tell me. There are no right or wrong answer to this so feel free to suggest anything

 There are no right or wrong answer to this so feel free to suggest anything

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Also this is my drawing of nagisa hope you like it. Also I drew it in a moving car so no hate comments pls. Also if you are wondering why I posted this picture it's because preysinz asked me to so hope you like it. Yes it's pretty bad so don't rub it in.

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