Chapter 7

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Author: hi. I know it's been a while since I last posted a chapter and I'm sorry for not posting sooner, so, here's the chapter hope you like it.


Nagisa's pov

"Nagisa breakfast is ready" mom yelled from downstairs
" coming" I yelled back
I walk down stairs after getting dressed for school and tiring my hair up
" nagisa what are you wearing?" Mom said confused
" oh my school uniform" I said.
Mom doesn't know what my school uniform looked like yet because she went on a trip for work to somewhere else in Japan
" why are you not wearing the girls uniform? A lady shouldn't wear the boys uniform" mom said
" but mom I'm not a girl I'm a boy" I said not thinking about the Consequence of saying that.
" excuse me young lady but you are not a boy" mom said angrily
" but mom I am a boy " I said still not thinking
" apparently I need to tech you a lesson" mom said smiling
" wha-what" I said scared of what might happen

She started kicking me and throw me against the wall. And start smashing my head against the wall again and again and again. Yelling how I'm useless and how I should have been a girl.
Finally she stopped. She left the house for work just leaving me here
I went to the bathroom to see if I was bleeding or if I just got some bruises. Lucky it wasn't to bad, I just had a few bruises here and there, most of them would be covered by my uniform, of course there was a few that u could still see but it wasn't to bad a lot of them were on my arms and legs but those got covered by my uniform so I didn't have to worry about those ones, I had one on the back of my head but it wasn't noticeable because of my hair, I had a few bruises on my back to, but again you can't see it so it was fine. I just hope no one finds out.

......................time skip.....................
Still nagisa's pov

" hey nagisa " terasaka yelled
" what?" I said confused
" do you got any important information on the octo perv?" terasaka ask
" ya we know that his face turns different colours based on his mood" I started but  he cut me off by putting a bag in my hands
" what's this?" I asked
"It's a toy grenade filled with those little bb things and a bit of gunpowder to scatter it at a high enough speed that there's no way that he could escape it" terasaka said
" and your going to do it" terasaka said
"" I said
" yes you" terasaka said

~~~~~~~~time skip because I have nothing better to do~~~~~~~~~~~~
Still Nagisa's pov

" ok everyone your going to write a poem that ends with "was tentacles all along" nfufufufufuf" Koro-Sencai  said

After a while koro- sensai got tired and he seemed thrown off by kayano's question, now is the perfect time to strike.

I walk up to him paper in hand and the knife behind it, the knife was behind the paper so it was hidden from koro-sensai but visible to everybody else.
" looks like nagisa-kun's done first nfufufufufuf" koro- sensai said

Once I got close enough l swung my knife but koro-sensai took the knife telling me to be more creative so I decided to give him a hug still smiling innocently then the grenade went off


Karma's pov


The first thing I think is, what just happened.
Then I go running over to see if he's ok. Than I heard cheers from terasaka and his gang, then I hear my classmates yelling at them. But all I can think of is if nagisa is ok.
" terasaka what did you make him do?" I asked angerly
" all I did was give him a grenade full of bb's. It's not enough to kill anyone. Don't worry I'll pay his medical bills" terasaka said then looked down at a perfectly fine nagisa
" What is this? He doesn't even have a scratch" terasaka said confused
" terasaka this was your doing wasn't it" koro- sensai said angrily
" it was all nagisa" terasaka said terrified
Nagisa got up out of that stuff that koro-sensai called his skin and looked a little light headed
Koro-sensai keep getting mad at them for about 2 more minutes i didn't really listen I was to busy worrying about nagisa

" and nagisa I must say, you did a great job hiding your intentions till the last second, nfufufufufuf, now class let's get back to the lesson" koro-sensai said

When nagisa tried to get up he fell down unconscious, before he hit the ground I ran over and caught him. I check to see if he's breathing, I felt a pulse and sigh in relief

" ehhh?!! Nagisa- kun are you ok. Is  he still breathing karma-kun?" Koro-Sensai asked freaking out a little
" don't worry he's still breathing" I said. Koro-sensai used his super speed to check Nagisa for any  injuries.
" it looks like he has a head injury but it doesn't look to bad he must have hit his head at some point during this little bomb fiasco" koro-sensai said

Koro-sensai pov

After I sent karma to take nagisa back to his house to get some rest all I could think of was how he got that bruise on his head, and not only that, he had several bruises on his body I saw one on his back just on the rim of his collarbone , (if that makes sense) he also had a few on his arms, he had a few faded bruises also, and I know that it's not from the grenade that went off.
Something just doesn't seem right.

Karma's pov

After I took Nagisa home I decided to go back to the school even though I was just going to skip anyways. I thought about how much I got worried about Nagisa and if he was ok. Then I thought of how I never got to ask him that question, or should I say questions.
Well I guess that I will ask him tomorrow. And this time there won't be anything getting in the way of that.

Nagisa you better be prepared to give me some answers. Because I'm planning to get answers if he likes it or not.


Nagisa: hey wait, why did I have to fall unconscious?

Author: because it makes the story interesting

Nagisa: but still, I don't want to miss any school.

Author: well to bad, you just did

Nagisa: well that's not very nice

Author: not everyone is going to be nice.

Nagisa: I know. Well bye bye

Author: ya we'll see you next time my favourite readers. Bye bye 👋

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