Growing Fear

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[Unrevised. 5 Years Old. Prepare for inconsistencies with previous chapters.]

Reality felt fuzzy and sheared when Hale finally dragged her feet back into her hut in the middle of the night, but she only rubbed at her tired eyes in some unfruitful attempt to get rid of the blurred surroundings, too drained to do anything else. Never has she felt as exhausted in her life as when she leaned her quiver and hunting bow against the wall and tossed her tired body back into the nest, only enough strength to make sure she didn't collapse on top of Koba by accident. She could feel every single one of her joints slack in delight when they didn't have to keep her up anymore, the tension in her shoulders quickly fading away, and silently sighed the last bit of stress pass her lips. She didn't dare to reflect back on the day – a day of being told she was a worthless human, a day of being told she wasn't valid as a person, a day of realizing her feelings for Caesar never changed, and a day of being ignored by her mate, who she finally realized she loved – but still her gaze shifted to the ape next to her without her control, her chest tightening from pure, mental torment. Nibbling her lip in contemplation, she turned herself to Koba and perched herself on her elbow to loom over him. For a minute, she just watched him sleep, her pained eyes studying his chest as it rose and fell steadily and tearing at the sight of the pale scars that part his dark skin and unhealthy hair, his pelt ruined from all the abuse he had taken in his past. But eventually, she reached up and gingerly poked his chin, the prickly hairs tickling her fingertip. She repeated this a few times before Koba finally stirred and groaned in protest to be woken so early (or late, as it was) before he finally pulled his eyes open, his green orbs falling on Haley's immediately.

The sight of his face contorting in distaste when he saw her stabbed viciously, but before he had the chance to whisk around and turn his back towards her, she growled in frustration and quickly straddle his waist, locking him in place. "No, you've ignored me long enough." She scolded with a huff, scowling at the stubborn bonobo beneath her, and as soon as she saw him slouch back in defeat and look away, her glare fell and she sighed again, "Listen," she continued more calmly, playing with the few disheveled patches of hair on his lower stomach to occupy her hands, "can you at least look at me? I don't want to fight anymore."

Haley found herself instantly awash in relief when his demeanor softened and he forced his head to stiffly turn back her way, his pride clearly fighting against his choice. "You know, you never gave me the chance to finish what I was telling you this morning." She pointed out with an almost playful smile and leaned down to place her hand against his neck as her blonde dreads fell pass her shoulders to frame her shadowy face. Her smile only grew when she caught Koba's frown dissipating into shock, his heterochromatic eyes never-before as bright and wide as they were in that moment. "You know my affection for Caesar isn't going to die." She confessed drearily, not surprised when she felt Koba tense underneath her, but merely closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his, his fur pleasantly stroking her thighs when her lower body inescapably rose from his, "but," she interrupted, once again feeling her mate relax as her hot breath washed across his face, his eyes falling shut, "I..." she trailed off for a moment, her heart hammering loud in her ears as nerves weighed heavy on her tongue. Nevertheless, her nerves quickly unwound when she felt a warmth stroke her cheek, Koba's leathery touch cupping her face, and eventually forced her words out, "I love you, Koba, and I think I do more than I do any other ape."

'No, you don't.' A chilling voice whispered in her ear, but she didn't seem to hear it as dull and dry lips experimentally brushed against hers. In a single moment, Haley realized that she never kissed the bonobo she, supposedly, loves, her breath hitching at the thought, and peeked at the shut eyes in front of her before she finally inched forward as well. Unsure, she reluctantly pressed her lips against Koba's, the almost non-existent edges feeling like chapped and dry paper to her soft and tender flesh, but slowly, as her heart pounded harder in her chest, she melted into the foreign feeling. A pleasing shiver ran across her skin as Koba's fingers slid into her tangled hair, his head tilting against her with the same uncertainty she felt slowly fading from her body. She could do nothing but hum in encouragement as Koba sat up and allowed her to straddle his lap, a single arm wrapping around her middle and pulling her close.

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