Danger Lurking

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[Unrevised. 5 Years Old. Prepare for inconsistencies with previous chapters.]

Haley hadn't realized exactly how used she got to sleeping next to Koba with her body curled up against his warm and surprisingly soft embrace until that inevitable moment, two hours later, where Maurice had to wake her. Expecting to see the half-blind chimp and his signature scar, her eyes creaked open with an odd twinkle of delight, despite how he treats her, and immediately clouded when the sight of the concerned orangutan wormed its way into her hazy vision instead. Even though she assured him that she's fine when his face tightened with more worry from her expression of disappointment, the faint and yearning "Koba" that had already escaped her when she woke made it pointless, and her turning away to hide her face and go back to sleep didn't help. But of course, Maurice could only gibber calmingly and watch her grow slack against his large stomach, luckily exhausted enough that her troubles didn't hinder her rest. For hours after, this repeated, and repeated, and repeated, until finally, she couldn't drift off anymore.

Unlike the day before, Haley couldn't immerse herself in the repair of the dam and found herself constantly glancing up at the entrance to the warehouse, both in hope and trepidation of Koba possibly storming through it. She was terrified by the fact that she wanted to forget what he had done, even though the constant stinging against her skull and her lightheadedness was a permanent reminder. She wasn't sure what compelled her to think the way she did, or if it was truly because she supposedly loves the ape, but she couldn't fight the want for his presence pass the fear for him – or maybe that was why she needed him around – maybe she wanted to be his mate because she feared what he'd do to her if she wasn't bound to him. Even when the building shook and made her to grab the railing for support, she suspected it was Koba rampaging towards her and snapped her head up in alarm. Only when Malcolm's name pierced through her surroundings minutes later did she open the possibility of another cause.

In confusion, Haley watched as Ellie and Malcolm ran pass her to the exit, where Foster and Kemp were waiting for them, practically buzzing with excitement, and eventually she followed after them, along with the other apes, even Caesar looking positively riddled with curiosity. Haley hadn't even realized how long they've been working until she stepped into the night and hugged coat tighter to her person, blocking her body from the chilly air. Jogging up to Caesar's horse as he galloped with the others, she sent him a questioning look, to which he only frowned and shook his head, clearly just as uninformed as her. Nevertheless, he didn't hinder the humans' hike through the woods and merely followed, the silent shaking of the warehouse dimming out behind them, and soon enough, the cause for their rush came into view.

Haley froze immediately when the artificial light reflected off of her dark skin on the other side of the hill, her brown eyes dyeing to their childish honey-colored hue from the bright beams. Breath hitched in her throat as her gaze wandered over the crumbling 76 Gas Station that peeked out from between the trees, studying the nasty patches of moss and vines that stain its walls. A mixture of awe and uncertainty pooled in her stomach as the lights drilled into her eyes and made the night seem so much darker, the flickering light above the glass-door entrance making her uneasy, seeming as if it was struggling to stay alive with the new power. Haley was relieved – finally the humans were done and they could leave and allow her to fall back into her illusion – but in watching the neon lights pierce through the serenity, she couldn't help but agree with Koba. Things such as that, the building and its products, didn't belong in the woods, with its bright green plants and clear waters; unwittingly, the sight nauseated her with the memory of the city, where people had killed each other off like cattle and where places such as those were sucked dry by thieves and murderers. When in the fire of an apocalypse, people can so easily lean to insanity.

"Something... wrong?"

The overfamiliar grunt nearly sent Haley jumping from her skin in shock when it sounded above her head, but only then did she realize her hand was squeezing her coat by her heart with so much force that her fingers ached for release, her face contorted in either fear or in the pain of her grasp – she wasn't sure. Sighing softly, she shook her head and swung her arm back to her side, her white knuckles slowly gaining their color back. "I'm alright." Haley assured her old friend before finally following the others into the gas station's parking lot that was nearly non-existent below the thriving vegetation, while Caesar unconsciously led his horse after her, "I just wish that, in some strange way, things could have stayed as simple as when we were young."

Caesar was taken aback by her admittance, but as he looked around and searched the rusted metal, crumbling concrete, and struggling lights of the gas station, he couldn't help but agree. He would never dream to go back to his life if it meant the other apes would have to go back to theirs and if it meant he had to watch his father and only friend walk away again, but in some deep cavern of his heart, he had to wonder if life would've been simpler and more pacifistic if the Simian Flu had never been created and if he stayed up in the attic like Will had told him to do. But of course, he only had to remind himself of humanity's capacity for war before the outbreak and the notion shattered. Still, that didn't stop him from watching Haley with growing concern. His ape heart ached for her with such an extent that even he was worried about its reasons sometimes, but he knew better than to think of it. He only wanted his lighthearted and strong-willed friend to return soon – the sooner the better.

Only the gentle hum of an acoustic guitar and primitive drums were enough for Haley to break her eyes away from the building and break Caesar's off of her. The two gaped in disbelief as the familiar sound tickled their ears, looking around for its cause until they found Kemp dancing across the interior of the store and Foster whooping along with his joyous cheers outside, both moving along with the music. The sight immediately brought back those rare moments where she played her favorite songs for Caesar as a kid and the two of them swayed foolishly with the rhythm. Giggling despite herself, Haley gave Caesar a quick glance, and felt her heart titter and her body freeze when he smiled down at her, an amused twinkle in his gold-flecked eyes. For a while, they just watched each other in wordless reminisce while the other apes explored their surroundings and the humans rejoiced at the evidence of their success.

"It worked." Malcolm's voice interrupted before Haley could get completely lost in the ape's stare – too long it's been since she's seen him that calm. Haley knew Caesar had to be as relieved as her to know that the dam was fixed and that everything can finally return to normal. Still, the knowing look Malcolm sent her from having seen her and her leader's previous exchange made her more than just uncomfortable, it made her worried. That morning, both Malcolm and Ellie had voiced their conclusion about Koba being her mate, pointlessly mentioning their concern and horror over the fact, but he could never ignore the reality that he so easily accepted Caesar as her mate – and the silent discussions they had shared seconds before left him more confused. "At least, here it did." Malcolm continued, shifting his gaze back up to the ape who still sat comfortably atop the horse, "We'll know when we get back to the city."

Haley's stomach dropped immediately when Caesar turned back to her with a thoughtful look. Realization dawned and she felt her hairs stand on end, but despite her urge to shake her head at him as some silent plea not to do what she knew he wanted to do, he looked away again, looming over the adult human male in contemplation. Haley kicked herself, regretting her spineless body – she knew what he was considering was dangerous. Koba, she breathed inwardly with trepidation, Koba, Koba, Kobawhat if he already returned to the village. She had been able to glimpse at his figure as he stormed out the village that morning, but she knew he wouldn't be able to stay away forever, and returning to a village with humans there, standing atop the cliff, gazing out onto city lights, he would explode. Whether he'd explode up at Caesar or her, she wasn't sure.

Nonetheless, she could only watch in dismay as the ape king reached through the barrier between species and shook the man's hand, "Trust."

Never before has her inkling for disaster been as strong as it was at that moment, but like always, she cowered back and locked her jaw. Stop, she told herself, oblivious to what she could've prevented, don't speak out of place and just keep quiet. Her face fell when she finally admitted that Maurice was right:

What have I become?

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