Chapter 8

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(Siare's PoV)

I watched as the boy sat down in front of me, I didn't recognise him, but for me, that wasn't an issue. "I don't trust sending him back." I said to Joseph, and he nodded in agreement. "We'll take him with us then." I said standing up and stretching a bit. "You can't just take me with you! I won't tell!" he yelled, and Joseph rolled his eyes. "You made the decision of following us, you made the decision to come with us," he said sharply. "We can't have you telling anyone that you've seen us." "N-no! How about you, you've got some say in this right?" the boy said looking at Winter. She looked startled for a moment, but then looked down at the ground. "Seriously?" he growled. I found his antics a bit funny to be honest. "Okay, let's move, we're running on time." Joseph said ignoring the boy, and I followed him as I put my things in my bag. Winter did the same, but put her stuff into my bag. Joseph watched our follower closely, making sure he didn't try anything, and I lead the way, with Winter following me close behind me. It was obvious she didn't like who was with us now, and I understood why. Winter didn't like interacting with anyone she wasn't familiar with. She wasn't social like me, or wasn't easy to talk to like Joseph, she was shy and didn't know how to talk to anyone other than us or Night. I didn't blame her for not knowing how to talk to other angels, she wasn't out of the house a lot when we were younger, and it wasn't that she didn't want to, more of, she wasn't allowed to because she was so sick. I remember One day she got better, like it was just taken away. We were so happy, but then our dad was upset and moved us. It was a lot for Winter at the time, especially since she didn't know anyone there, she just didn't talk to them. Then came the death of our father. It hurt her. We all were, but by looking at my brother, and seeing the truth in his eyes, it made me feel worse to know that we were the only ones to know the truth.

I stopped walking, and Winter did as well, looking at me with concern. I shook my head and continued walking. Winter followed me, and I could almost feel the concern radiating off her. This was going to be a long trip.

(Winter's PoV)

'I don't like him.' I thought keeping near Siare, away from the boy who refused to tell us his name. 'I don't either, his attitude is annoying.' Dawn said, for once we agreed on something. Although, I knew Dawn hated everyone, so it was expected of her. She was a demon after all. 'Ugh, why did he have to spy on us, now we're stuck with him!' she growled. 'Dawn, please stop, you're giving me a headache,' I thought. Since she was a demon and I was an angel, her emotions were toxic to me, usually since she was quiet, it didn't bother me, and I had gotten used to it, by now she was more level with me, and her anger was taking affect on me, starting with headaches. 'It's such a pity you're such a weak child.' she said, and the headache began going away. 'S-sorry...' I thought, and Dawn was silent for the first time in awhile. I could finally have a bit of peace.

It was around noon when we reached the next town, it was surprisingly close. We decided to fly the rest of the way and stop at an inn for the rest of the day. Siare seemed content with it, and the boy didn't seem to care. Dawn was still quiet, but if she wasn't I knew she'd be complaining. I'd gotten somewhat used to her talking to me, and the quiet walking was bothering me, so I was thankful when we finally came to a place to stop with actual beds. I wasn't used to camping out like we had before.

"You three stay here and I'll go out and buy food. Please don't complain with whatever I bring back." Siare said braiding her hair and looking at us. Joseph nodded at her, and she left. It was me, Joseph, and mystery boy. Siare said she knew his name already. It wasn't a surprise. Siare found out just about everything. I sat on the bed awkwardly, facing away from my brother and the boy, who I could tell was staring at me. How long did I have to wait for Siare to get back? Why wasn't Joseph saying anything? "Hey, you seem to be in charge here, why didn't you get food?" the boy said suddenly, I assumed to Joseph. "I'm here to watch you and my sister." Joseph said bitterly, and I glanced at him, he was glaring at the boy with hatred. This was going to be a long day.

(Night's PoV)

I could sense the tension between Ari and Trace. They were glaring at each other, not even acknowledging me, even when I tried several times to talk to them. I couldn't stand it. I put my hand on the table, and Trace jumped, ready to tackle Ari, and Ari looked ready to fight him off. "What's with you guys?" I asked, and Ari looked at me with anger and sadness in her eyes. "You expect me to get along and trust him? He sees me as a threat!" she said. It was true, she was half demon after all. Not to mention a shape shifter as well. Who knew what she was capable of doing. "You're a demon, who can trust you?" Trace said glaring at her. Ari looked at him and rolled her eyes. "I'm not like other demons. It's the whole reason I'm here!" she said, her hands were starting to bleed since they were balled up into fists, she was trying so hard not to punch him. I took Ari's hand (and she instantly loosened up) and looked at Trace. "You two are going to get along, and since it seems you won't get along by yourself, could you at least try for me?" Ari looked at Trace, and then me, and looked down. "F-fine, but if he tries anything, he'll have it coming." Ari warned. Trace nodded in agreement. I knew that would be the only time the two would agree on something for awhile.

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