Rule 2: Don't make Bargains with the Devil

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With a small groan, Amelia felt herself begin to wake up unsure of where she was. The place unfamiliar to her. She couldn't remember a single thing that had happened to her last. Her memory drawing a blank. Amelia had tried to move, but her skin began to burn like holy fire. Once she retreated back to her spot the burning ceased. Her vision had come back to normal as she seen sunlight was pouring right in front of her.

"I wouldn't move anymore if I were you" A man had spoken as he glanced over towards her. His muscular body leaned against the wall as his dark chocolate eyes gazed upon her.

"W-where am I?" Amelia asked in a desperate tone as she tried to fight her way out of the ropes she was tied in. Though they only seemed to dig into her skin the more she struggled.

"Not supposed to say," He said simply before going to cross his arms over his chest "but if you don't say anything stupid you might just live"

"Wow, thanks what a gentleman" She glared tiredly before letting out a small sigh.

"The names Xander Crosswell" Introductions? Hu interesting. Maybe he's somewhat of a gentleman after all.


"Oh trust me we all know who you are," He said with a light chuckle as he walked over towards her slowly. His eyes still fixed on her. His hand soon then snaked underneath her chin slowly lifting it as he did. How wasn't he burning in the sunlight? Amelia's eyes squinted in confusion as he stood there without burning to a cinder.

"How are you not catching a flame?" Amelia asked with a raised brow as she tried to back away from him, but his grip was tight. That's when a snicker drew from his parted lips.

"Oh there's so much that you don't know"

"Apparently I don't which is why I asked in the first place" She replied with a roll of her eyes. Her nose scrunched up slightly as he bopped her nose with his index finger before he started to walk around her.

"I like you" Xander chuckled with his hands now behind his back "I can tell we are going to have a pleasant time here together"

"I just want to go home" Amelia grumbled restlessly as she tried to fight her way out of the ropes again, but she let out a small gasp feeling them dig down into her skin. Were they actually digging down into her skin? What kind of witchcraft is this?

"Those ropes are laced with vervain by the way" Of course. How could Amelia be so stupid as to have not had to figure that out? Xander had gone to then kneel in front of her, his hand moving to her blonde locks moving them from out in front of her face.

"Please I just want to go home, I've done nothing wrong" She spoke as her words made Xander laugh almost madly.

"Oh, sweetheart you've must have done something wrong to piss him off" With a long breath Xander sat in front of her Indian style.

"Who?" Amelia asked before going to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat.

"Marcus of course" A wicked grin soon then spread upon his lips "I'm sure you've met him already, you are the one to have awaken him"

Amelia couldn't have felt more helpless at this moment in time. She was stuck and couldn't leave this hell hole. This was a lesson that she definitely wasn't going to forget. Always follow the rules no matter how stupid they may sound. She looked around the room she was in. There were no windows only a skylight in the ceiling that was above Xander. and the metal door was shut closed behind him.

"There's no point in trying to think of ways to escape now" Xander spoke causing Amelia to be drawn from her thoughts. The door had then creaked open slowly a new face stepping into the room.

"She is requested by the holy one sir" A woman spoke as her eyes drifted over to Amelia for a split second. A smirk now drifting onto Xander's lips. Her dark hair swaying back and forth once she stood by the entrance of the doorway. Her attire totally out of the 21st century. They must have a dress code here or something.

"Thank you, Madeline" Xander spoke as he turned to look over at the woman who gave him a simple nod before he looked back at Amelia "We'll be there shortly"

"The holy one?" Amelia asked confused as she felt Xander grab hold of her wrist and pulling her up to stand. She then felt a cold chain being placed around her neck which made her wince slightly in instinct.

"She hasn't been awake for years since Marcus' passing" Xander spoke as he put quotation marks around Passing since it was only a deep slumber. Almost exactly like sleeping beauty.

"I still don't understand who she is" Amelia sighed heavily as she looked down at the orange pendant that now hung down her chest. Shining a light golden amber color.

"You'll find out soon enough now come on" Xander sighed heavily as they began to walk out of the room. The sunlight no longer burning her as she walked underneath it. The holy one was that of another story. She lived in the place where the Devil himself wouldn't even dare go. And Amelia was about to meet face to face with her. Oh, how she wishes there were a means of escape somehow. At every corridor, there were guards placed. There eyes seeming not to blink. Amelia had felt as though she was heading for death row. This was the end of how her curiosity managed to get the best of her.

"Amelia St.Claire" A powerful voice echoed throughout the chambers Amelia had entered. Xander still behind her his hand tightly grabbing hold of her wrist "How lovely it is to finally make your acquaintance"

"Whatever you do don't piss her off" Xander whispered into her ear as he began to untie the ropes that held her hands together. The woman sat upon a golden throne which snakes roamed around and some even sat upon her shoulders. Her clothing style was that definitely eye-catching. She wore a dress from a totally different error. and her golden blonde hair done in that in a modern fashion. Hanging down her shoulders in a manner. A crown sat upon her head which was completely covered in diamonds. The same pendant hung down her chest as Amelia's, but it was a deep crimson red instead of a golden amber color.

"Please have a seat" She gestured towards a stack of pillows that were next to her. Amelia went to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat as she felt herself being pushed forward by Xander. She sent him a death glare before going to sit upon the chair of pillows. Oh God, how she wished to be somewhere else right now instead of here. 

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