Rule 4: Family first, Heartaches later

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Never in a million years that he thought he would lose his daughter. If his heart was still beating he would probably be dead with a heart attack right now. He was currently in his study, pacing back and forth while he went to then run his fingers through his sandy blonde hair.

"Lucius" Genevieve's voice soon rung in and then out of his ears causing him to stop in his tracks. She was now standing in front of him. Hating to seem him so hopelessly lost.

"I usually have a plan for things, but this time" A breath slowly escaped from his lips as he looked down at her.

"We'll think of something I promise" She spoke softly before going to place the palm of her hand on his cheek comfortingly. Marcus stood in the doorway with an amused look plastered on his face. His arms now crossed over his chest.

"I'd be careful with making promises that you may not be able to keep" With a stride, Marcus made his way towards them both. A glare seeping from out of the corner of Lucius' eyes.

"Shut up brother before I throw you down in the dungeon where you belong" He threatened as Marcus just laughed at his words which he found to be silly to his ears.

"Oh, you make me laugh with those words you speak" With a swift move of his thumb he slid it across the bottom of his lip while looking down at the centuries-old carpet that laid beneath his feet. His eyes soon the dawned upon that of his brother, but then turned to look over at Genevieve "might I ask how you have fallen for him? I mean with a beauty such as yours. you can do way better than Lucius here"

Genevieve sent him a small glare, but as she was about to speak Lucius grabbed hold of her hand gently into his "Fighting with stupidity is pointless don't waste your breath on him love" he spoke softly before going to press his lips against hers. A soft breath soon then left her lips once they parted from each other.

"Now I have a daughter to find" Lucius breathed heavily as he turned to glance over at Marcus before looking back at his wife.

"I may have a lead of where she could be" Marcus grinned wickedly almost as he went to fold his hands together in front of him "But it comes with a price of course brother"

Lucius bit down onto his cheek in contemplation. His brother was well known for his little tricks, and he didn't want to fall into the trap. Though he was curious to know how he knew of where his daughter might be.

"How are you certain of my daughters' whereabouts?" Lucius asked that in a serious tone as he let out a long breath. A mischievous look begging to creep onto Marcus' face.

"I have my sources" Marcus stated simply before going to clear his throat "now if you wish to accept my help, you in return have to give me fathers dagger"

Lucius could feel his eyes starting to bug out from their sockets. He shook his head as a hearty laugh escaped his lips.

"Now how did I not figure out you were going to say that"

"Well is it a deal?" Marcus pressed as he had his hands resting behind his back folded together.

"If not then I'm just wasting my time here.

The dagger. Their fathers' dagger to be more specific held of that of a certain power. It was handed down to Lucius once he became head of the clan after his fathers passing. It was made from white oak. The only one ever to be made in existence by a powerful witch who planned on using it to kill every vampire to have ever roamed the earth. She had to kill the original vampire who had started it all but had never had the luck of finding him.

"No, that's just madness of me handing you over the dagger" Lucius shook his head as he looked down at the floor. His hands resting on the sides of his hips.

"I'm sorry brother, but it looks like I'm declining your help" with those words said Lucius was off. He headed out of the room leaving both Marcus and Genevieve behind.

Genevieve had tried to leave, but had felt Marcus grip hold of her wrist tightly "my dearest Genevieve" he started off as she went to roll her eyes restlessly.

"I don't have time for this" She snapped as Marcus let out a light chuckle.

"Oh love, she's not even your daughter so why do you even care just the slightest?" He snorted while looking down at her. Genevieve went to go swallow the lump that had formed in her throat with her gaze looking down at the floor.

"Join me and forget that stupid fool you call a husband or stay here miserable for all eternity" he spoke simply before adding now to his little speech " your choice darling" he whispered into her ear and she backed away from him. Pushing back the feeling of wanting to rip his head off.

"She may not be my daughter, but I did raise her" Genevieve snapped as she pulled her wrist from his grip. Her eyes then shifting to a deep crimson red.

"I can give you everything that that little heart of yours ever desired"

"Genevieve!" Lucius called her as she let out a tired sigh.

"Go crawl back to that no good husband of yours then" Marcus spoke harshly as Genevieve left without a single word spoken. She had gone to wipe her eyes with the backs of her hands. She couldn't believe that she let that no good son of a bitch gets to her. Though her emotions were easily started sometimes just by the simplest of things. Amelia may not have been her daughter biologically. But she loved her unconditionally as if she were her own. Genevieve was goi g to find her if it was the last thing she ever has done

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