Rule 5: No Rest for the Wicked

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So, let's retrace our steps, shall we? The first rule had been broken. Marcus St. Claire (Lucius younger brother ) was now awake along with Isla who is now known to be Amelia's true biological mother. Though pot twist. Isla wasn't on the good side so to speak. Then there was Xander. Who Amelia had no clue if she should trust or not, but now he was helping her escape.

"So, do you have any hobbies?" Amelia asked with a raised brow as she looked over at Xander. He just let out a deep chuckle while glancing down at his mud-covered shoes that had clearly seen better days.

"Do I have any hobbies?" He asked with his arms crossed over his chest in amusement "You ask me that when we are in a crapload of trouble"

Amelia rolled her eyes as she found herself crossing her own arms over her chest "I'm just trying to lighten up the mood, but you drowned it"

"Look, I'm just trying to help you out here Amelia" Xander spoke softly as she had gone to turn her head just the slightest to look over at him.

"Why do you want to help me when you basically serve that wicked bloodsucker?" She asked accusingly.

"I was forced" Xander exhaled through his nose as he shut his eyes slowly in thought. Amelia softened her gaze just the slightest.

"Forced to work for her?"

"Yes, I was forced to work for your mother, more so to be her slave actually" Xander sighed " it was either that or be burnt to a crisp along with my sister"

Amelia went to go cross her arms over her chest. She still didn't understand why Xander was helping her in the first place. If he was on Isla's side then shouldn't he be helping her?

"So, I still don't understand why you are trying to help me escape from this hell hole" A sigh parted from her lips as she looked over at him. The features on his face seeming to soften just the slightest.

"He has a crush on you" A young woman's voice spoke up in a bell-like voice from beside her. It was her. Xander's sister Madeline. They had the same exact hair color. Midnight black hair, but different eyes. Madeline's being a pale blue and Xander's almost gold like, but with a speck of hazel thrown into it.

"Madeline" Xander grumbled irritated by his sisters' words while Amelia let out a small laugh. "Don't you have something better to do? Like, tend to those snakes back in the throne room?"

Madeline crinkled her nose just the slightest as she had her arms behind her back while she walked "Nah, I decided to come and see what you're up to" she grinned "which looks to me is that you're breaking the rules"

"Who's side are you on anyway? You know you hate that wretched bitch just as much as I do" Xander snapped as Madeline went to put her hands up in defense.

"I was just joking Xander" She snorted with a roll of her eyes "looks like someone could use a Snickers bar" she joked as a laugh escaped from her light pinkish lips.

"Okay, how about you go make yourself useful and be my lookout?" Xander suggested as Amelia could tell he was about to blow a socket. He definitely had some anger management issues. Amelia thought to herself as while mentally laughing inside of her head.

"I don't have anger problems" Xander snapped slightly as he glanced over at her.

"Yes, you do" Madeline sung as she started to walk in front of both Xander and Amelia. A smug smirk starting to form on her lips.

"You can read minds?" Amelia asked in a curious tone as her gaze averted towards Xander. He seems e hesitant to answer as he went to clear his throats awkwardly. Amelia heard that only the very first original vampire could read minds.

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