Rule 8: Don't mistake the Killer for a Queen

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Isla was making her move, making sure she had all the puzzle pieces placed before she moved on with her plan before the others could make their own. She had to be quick on her feet with the little time she had on her hands. Her eyes skimmed through an old ritual book looking for a certain spell she has been saving up to use for centuries. She could finally use it on that little brat. Though Amelia was her own flesh and blood she did not care a single drop. She wanted the power to rule. The power to live forever and be queen. That, unfortunately wasn't going to last long for her unless she moved quick.

Her head snapped up as she heard the sound of foot steps walk into the room. Echoing as they made their way from behind her. A small grin tugged at the corner of Islas lips as she knew who it was instantly.

"Lucius my love, long time no see" She spoke, her posture straightened as she turned around to face him. It has been centuries since the last she had seen him face to face.

"Whatever you're planning to do to Amelia, I would reconsider" With a threatening glare, he stepped closer towards her. His stone grey eyes fixated on her cold emerald green ones.

An amused laugh escaped Islas Red painted lips as she looked down at the stone floor that was below her feet 

"Oh now, I'm not that cold hearted"

"Right of course you're not" Lucius said as he knew well enough of Islas ill willed intentions towards his daughter "she's your own daughter Isla, your own flesh and blood are  you that hungry for power that you'd kill her with your own hands?" He asked as Isla went to rest the tip of her fingernail to her chin in thought. Her intentions always set for herself.

"When you put it like that you make me seem like a monster" She rolled out the word as her eyes then drifted up towards him "you must not know me as well as you thought dear lucius"

"You are one, have  you looked into a mirror lately" He glared at her with his tired yet threatening eyes. A father in search for his only daughter and wanting her back desperately.

"It's so cute how you think you can threaten me in my own palace" Isla laughed darkly as she went to press the tips of her fingers to her chin "I'll tell you what I'll make a deal with you darling"

Just her voice made Lucius cringe in disgust, but he was at the point where he would do anything to find his daughter and bring her back home where she belongs.

"I'm not here to play your games Isla" He said with his eyes shutting closed for a moment as he went to pinch the brim of his nose tired of everything. Wishing everything was back to normal again. Though with her and Marcus running around. Nothing will ever be at peace. 

"I'm not playing any games, but I mean if you don't want to take the deal that I'm offering you"

"What deal are we talking about here Isla?" He asked while going to run his fingers through his graying hair slowly. 

 A smirk  now slowly formed onto her blood red  lips.

"I'll help you find 'our daughter' and I have full keeps on her once she's found" 

"Please, you're joking, you had no interest in her once before why all of a sudden now?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowing just slightly.

"She clearly has potential dear of course you can see that or haven't you?"  She asked while walking over towards him. Her attention fully on him now.

"I mean you had that so called new wife of yours Genevieve take care of her for 16 years am I not mistaken? Where were you all that time, so don't go stabbing me in the back for not showing interest in her"  

He wanted to claw her eyes out so bad right then and there, but it took all of his strength to remain calm and not rip her into bits and pieces. Letting out a long awaited breath he went to turn around wanting to leave the place.

"I'll find her on my own" He muttered barely while trying to keep his posture straightened, but Islas laugh made him flinch just the slightest. It was cold and bitter and just not what he wanted to hear. 

Isla had a smirk tug at the corner of her lips "Have fun my love, I do hope you find her in due time" her voice was like needles digging deep into his skin. He knew her well enough and knew she wouldn't stop at nothing to try and kill his daughter. 


"Oh and one more thing, I do hope Genevieve is doing well" 

That sentence made him stop in his tracks. He instantly turned back around to look at her, his eyebrows furrowed "what have you done with her?" he asked but she just snickered at him while walking over across the room, her hand now resting onto a pillar.

"Mmm don't you have that reckless daughter of yours to find first? Time is ticking dear"

He was going to have her dead by his own hands. That's one thing he had promised to himself. He had loved her once, but that was long before she turned into a beast who craved power and hungered for it. Whatever it would take he would find his daughter and bring her back home safe and sound. How things should be.  Isla was a beast and trying to play a beauty in disguise. What she didn't know was that her kingdom was soon going to be burned to the ground. 

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