Chapter Thirty

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Safaa's POV...

I went to bed with the thought of little Sahla on my mind,Subhanallah,she's too young to be experiencing so much pain and the mother who's supposed to be by her side,to cater for her,deserted her when she's in need of her most.

Is she really her daughter?

Is Tahir hiding something from me?

If what Tahir told me about Sahla's mom is really true then she's the most uncaring and emotionless woman on earth.She didn't even breastfeed the poor baby for long,Tahir told me she stopped giving Sahla breast milk a week she gave birth to her.Who can do that to their own flesh and blood? She deprived the baby of what's essential for her to have a healthy growth.

People like her aren't fit to be blessed with a child.

Astagfirullah who am I to judge the doings of my Rabb.

I slept off with her thought and woke up with her thought.Abidah tried making my mood a bit cheery but I just couldn't get her off my mind.

Her angel like face on the hospital bed.

And Tahir's broken one.

"Abidah I have to help Tahir" I told her while eating breakfast.

"Safaa I don't know,you can help them but don't go meddling into his marital life,you have your own issues to face"

"I know alright,Tahir actually told me how I can help,Abidah even if I help him financially the little I will give to him won't be enough,they need a lot of money"

"And the mother of the daughter is a millionaire?" Abidah cocked a brow.

"She's very rich" I sighed.

"Well help them if you can and Safaa why don't you call my brother"

"Really now? I thought you're the one who said am not going back to him until he comes begging"

"Yes I know,but I hate seeing you broken,You rarely eat Safaa and I always hear you puking at night,Are you sure you're not pregnant?"

"Me? Pregnant? You're not serious"

"What? Can't you be pregnant"

"Miracles do happen but I doubt if I can ever get pregnant"

The words slipped out of my mouth without even being filtered.Now Abidah will ask the meaning of my statement and I promised Yaya Ahmad that it will be a secret,known to only two of us.

"What do you mean by that? Are you crazy"

"Nahh Ummu Shuraim am absolutely fine,Now I need to get ready,I have to meet Tahir at the park" I hurriedly left the table.

"Toh dai ke da Tahir dinnan,I hope your husband never sees you,you know my brother" She yelled.

"Oh please" I yelled back going up the stairs.

I spent almost thirty minutes in the bath tub,I needed a warm and relaxing shower to wash away some of the stress.I don't even take care of myself the way I should but I have to look a bit presentable for Sahla's sake.

Tahir believes that since I am a woman Ummu Sahla might listen to me as she has no one who tells her what's right and wrong because she grew up in an orphanage,he married her,made her go to school yet she's acting ungrateful.

That's the part of their story that baffles me the most.

"Aren't you taking Shuraim?" Abidah asked when she saw me all ready.

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