Chapter Five

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Mama glared at me like a hungry lioness and I glared back at her.She has no right to tell me all that,I didn't break off our eye contact or should I say glaring contest until we left her side.

"Safaa don't mind Mama okay?" Abidah tried consoling me when we came back to her room.

"Bu...t she's so mean"

"Wait till you meet my siblings,only two of them are nice" She began explaining.

She has three brothers and two sisters.Salmanu is the oldest and he's 28 years old,Ahmad is 26 while Rilwan is 24.The girls are: Shukrah,the oldest and a bit nice,she is 22 years old and Fadwa who's the youngest and just like her mother is 20 years old. 

"Wow so you're six?" I asked.

"Yup,Adda Shukrah and Yaya Salman are the nice ones" Abidah added.


It's been three weeks since I left Rigar Dala,time passes by so fast and the kind of luxuries that are in my Uncle's house are the ones I have never wished for in my entire life.I've always loved and adored a simple life.

We get to do nothing but pray,eat and sleep.I always call my Mama through Abidah or her mother's phone.

When I am bored,I usually go to the Maids to help in the kitchen and learn new recipes together with Abidah.I only met Fadwa because Shukrah travelled with her mother's sister to Dubai.Fadwa acts as if am a statue whenever we meet and I don't let that bother me afterall her mother and father are also that way.

And their brothers,I've never met any of them yet.

"You're sulking Safaa" Abidah said while munching on an apple.

Abidah and I have become the best of friends,We are at the kitchen trying a new recipe,Abidah is slicing the veggies while I just stare because it's her turn to cook while I'll be the one to judge.

"I'm bored" I pouted looking at the window.

"Why don't we go for shopping?" She asked grinning like a kid.

"I have no money" I sighed raising my hands.

"You're so dramatic" She giggled.

"It's the truth,I have money under my mattress at home though" I beamed but then frowned when I realised I can't get it.

"Too bad you're not at Rigar Dala,come on just say yes,we'll use my card" She said


"No buts,I will call the driver as soon as we're done"

"Okay then" I smiled.

An hour after we finished cooking,we got ready for our shopping.Abidah made me dress up in her clothes,because she thinks mine are all not suitable for outing,including my favorite Ankara from last Eid.

I dressed up in a multi-coloured kimono as she calls it.And she made me wear jeans and a sky blue top inside.I only agreed because the top is blue and the kimono has a lot of blue on it too.

"Safaa haven't anyone told you how beautiful you are before? Just look at you" Abidah squeaked dragging me to the console to see myself.

I made faces before answering her with a " I don't know" before we half run and walk to Mommy's room.

"Where are my girls going?" Mommy asked.

"Just some shopping" Abidah answered.

"Have fun then,Safaa buy all what you want okay?"

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