Chapter Sixty Two

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Assalamu Alaikum it's been a while and I'm so sorry.
I've been busy with exams.
I'm not even done, I just felt like I've not been fair to you guys.
So here's chapter Sixty Two, you guys might want to brush through the previous chappy.

ASMA'U I still can't find your username, do comment when you read this chappy so I'd find it. This chappy is ALL yours btw.



Hajiya Turai was seated in her room when Shukrah and Fadwa came back from her grandchild's naming ceremony. She was not in the mood to have them in her room, but when Fadwa strolled in, smiling cheerfully she waited to hear what had made her so happy. She was sure Fadwa was on her team and she detested Safaa too.

"So?" She asked hoping to hear some good news from Fadwa.

"Ah Mama, I feel as free as a bird, Ya Allah, is this what it feels like to be forgiven by someone whom you've offended?" Fadwa plopped down on the chaise lounge and began untying her head gear.

"I don't get you?" Hajiya Turai frowned.

"Well I had a talk with Safaa, we're good now, and Oh Mama Yusrah is such a cutie, You should go see her" Fadwa answered.

"Mtsss" Hajiya Turai hissed.

"Mama I thought you'd stop all this by now, Safaa is one of a kind, her kindness changed a lot of people, Daddy, Zarah and myself, why don't you just let go of all that hatred too? It's killing you Mama and am scared it's changing you into a monster, Repent before it's too late Mama" Fadwa told her mother sincerely.

Hajiya Turai's eyes clouded with fury, she felt the urge to slap the living daylights out of Fadwa but she restrained herself. She felt an intense animosity towards anyone who loved Safaa and right that moment, Fadwa became close to being her enemy.

"Get out of my room Fadwa" She thundered clenching and unclenching her fists.

"Maa, What is wrong with you? I thought you wanted me to tell you why am happy"

"Get..." Hajiya Turai grabbed Fadwa's wrist and began pulling her out of the room.

"Mama, you're hurting me, what is wrong with you? I don't want to sound rude but you're sick Mama, You need help and..."

Hajiya Turai gave Fadwa a resounding slap and grabbed her wrist tighter. Fadwa did her best to pull her wrist away from her mother's grasp but Hajiya Turai was stronger than her.

"Let me go Mama" Fadwa cried.

"I will teach you a lesson, you call me sick? Your own mother?" Hajiya Turai roared and dragged Fadwa outside her room.

She was going to punish Fadwa downstairs hence she pulled her to the direction of the stairs.

"Somebody help" Fadwa cried.

She was really scared of the monster her mother turned into within minutes, she had never seen so much fury and hatred like the one she saw in her mother's eyes.

"Maa, it's me your own Fadwa, please stop this, I'm sorry for being rude, just let go, You're hurting me" Fadwa kept crying and begging Hajiya Turai but she only stopped just few steps away from the stairs.

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