Chapter Thirty Nine

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Assalamu Alaikum
I hope you're all fine?

Can you please forgive me?😢😢

I resumed school,reg wahala and all that😒😒

And I ended up spending dayssss for my reg kaman JJC...🙈🙈

Anyhow I'll be updating frequently now in shaa Allah..


Safaa left the living room her heart hammering in her chest,if she stayed for a second she knows the bubble of anger caged inside her will burst out all on her mother inlaw and she vowed never to disrespect her.But this time around,let all hell break loose,Safaa isn't going to do what Hajiya Turai wants,it's up to Ahmad to be with her or be against her.

She doesn't care.

"Safaa" Ahmad intruded her thoughts.

Her back was against him so he slowly turned her to face him engulfing her into a warm bear hug.

"She wants you to go for a DNA test" He whispered.

"I'm not doing it" She blurted burying her face in his chest.

"Who said you are?" He chuckled trying to lighten up the tensed atmosphere.

"Mama" She mumbled still in his embrace.

"Don't mind Mama" He assured Safaa,making her abruptly get out of his hold and stare at him mouth agape.

"Are you for real?" She pinched his arm lightly.

"Am for real,No one's going to do what Mama wants now,she's had enough of controlling our lives" He smiled caressing her cheek.

"I love you" Safaa grinned hugging him tight.

"I love you more babe,now let's go to Mommy I haven't greeted her yet"

"You didn't tell me you're coming here" She pouted intertwining their hands as they walk.

"Yes I never wanted to visit,but I wanted to see my wife" He smiled swinging their intertwined hands to and fro.

He avoided Mama for the rest of their stay at the house and only went to her when they were about to go back home,he took Safaa along.The look she gave them made Safaa tremble slightly,Mama's angry face resembles that of Hulk's.

"Maa we are here to say Goodnight" Ahmad ignored her pointed look and sat beside her on the sofa.

"Did you think about what I told you?" She asked.

"Yes Mama,we are not doing it" He announced like it meant nothing making Hajiya Turai stare at him dumbfoundedly.

She looked so shock to even say a word to him so he took Safaa's hand and they wordlessly left the living room.

"Uhmm.." Safaa wanted to start a conversation whilst they were seated in the car but she had no idea where to begin.

"I called up Ma'aruf,he'll come pick up Abidah because I've sent home the car you guys came with already"

"Yaya Ahmad Mama is angry" Safaa fidgeted squirming uncomfortably on her seat.

"She'll come around don't worry" He smiled squeezing her hand.

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