Chapter 25: "Mischievous Happy Ending" ♥

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"Asshole!" I call out to him, pulling away.

He smirks at me, "I know what that meant."

"Wipe that smirk off your face." I tell him.

I punch him in the face, and the impact was kinda hard. He holds his jaw and looks at me. "I did not see that coming.."

"Guess what?" I ask him. "I'm wed to a man that I never knew was you, and Odin interrupts flashing me and his Son up to their kingdom, and now, I'm a Goddess." I look at him, with a serious face. "What a story I'll be telling everyone." I continue with sarcasm.

He looks back at me.

"That was fast, was it?" He adds, approaching me. "I assume you've got questions?"

I sneer, "How could you? How could you do that to your father?"

" not my father!" he says, "I took us out of the miserable realm!"

"And took us where?" I say without managing myself not to shout, but my voice was shaking. My eyes about to water. "They are gonna find us, and they'll take you away from me--again!"

He pauses, "Oh give them a million years, we'll surely be running by then." he snaps quietly at me.

He is such a sass.

"Where the hell are we!?" I freak out,

"A home where I was born." he says, "Jotunheim."

"You took us here where they could possibly be looking at the first place?!"

Who's the sass now?

Loki shakes his head, "They wouldn't even take a glance in this realm. They know I despise it and they know that it would be impossible to take my chance to run off to a better place--"

"--to hide?" I finish his words and sneer. He's clever, I have to admit.

"This was my home, Alice."

I look down, glancing at the blue surroundings under my lashes. He turns around, "A place where frost giants once lived. But they--they deatroyed it."

"Who did?" I had the urge to ask after my breakdown,

"Asgard. After Thor and I came here to do so, he sent others to come back and finish what he started."

"Frost giants." I repeat, "What are they?"

I didn't get a reply, but he pauses for a moment then turns to face me. His skin, turned into blue, and his eyesnchanged into red. His skin had dark tattooe-kind on it, all the way inside his suit. I find myself gasping.

"Would you still want a monster--" he almost choke on his words, "or the Lucas you were supposed to marry?"

I shake my head and approach him to kiss him. I don't care about his form, I don't care if his skin is too damn cold, I don't care if he's evil. I love him. I can't unattach myself from Loki, and I am not planning to do so. He kisses back with a hint of hesitation. I kiss him passionately and he kisses me back.

After all we've been through? I don't think I'd let him go easily this time.

I pull away gently from the kiss, "Loki. Just Loki. No one else."

He pauses, staring at me as his form changes back. His skin becomes pale like the usual, and his rosy lips appears. "More questions?" he says, making me shake my head and sneer.

"I just don't understand why you had to change into--Lucas?" I step away, "How could you lie to me that easily? and make me deal with the pain? You think all of that's easy?" I shake my head,

"I did not intend it to be easy..It wasn't easy for me, as well. I am sorry."

"You're always sorry."

He pauses, looking at me. "I am indeed, sorry for lying to you. I thought you were happy with the new man-"

"I told you, I didn't need a new man. Where did you even get that idea?" I ask him fiercely.

"But my plan worked well, anyway. I finally brought you away from danger, without anyone else knowing." He says, "Well... of course except for my friends who were so happy for me." he bluffs.

I scoff.

"How could you look calm at that time if you were outraged with what was happening? Surpassing your feelings, I see." He says with a smirk.

"Oh, You like my acting? The way I smiled? I should win an Oscar for that." I ask him with sarcasm. "I just can't believe this. Turned into a God?" I turn and wince. 

"Yeah, that's why you got stronger." He rolls his eyes and touches his jaw again. 

"I tried everything, and this is the only idea I thought of, without you remembering those painful memories with me." He continues.

"You could've at least told me, and look? you just almost killed your fa-" I pause, "Odin." I finish my sentence looking at him.

"First of all, I do not care about Odin like he did not care about me. Second, this is my plan to bring you here. I knew the law." He sighs, "I did not even know at first that Odin would come. If he wouldn't, then I would at least, get you to love someone else."

"I never wanted anyone else. I only wanted you. All that mattered was that we has each other." I say, with my palm open towards him.

"There you are again! I never thought that you were this nice to me, after my rude actions toward you? This is what kept me thinking into leaving you or not."

"Loki, you weren't really that bad. Look, I just hate you right now for pretending to be someone else and tricking me into thinking you were gone. It was painful to try to move on."

We were quiet for a while.

He looked away, "Why didn't you speak, then? When we stood there."

I pause.

"Cause I thought I was gonna be happy." I tell him as I look at him, while he frowned looking somewhere else. Then, I slowly grin at him. "Oh, but look at that."

He glances back at me. "I guess I am now." I tell him, showing the ring on my hand.

He suddenly grins at me with that perfect smile of his.

"I thought you weren't happy when I brought you here? Can't you see, you're with an evil God of Mischief." he says keeping his head high.

"Yeah, and I'll do wrong things to him. Probably." I smirk.

I run up to him, and kiss him deeply. He's such an ass. Even if he is, you know what? I still love him. Guess that's why I had the 'Fidelity' title.

Capture that moment, His arms around my waist, my hands around his neck. A long kiss.

"I adore, cherish and love you, and always will, Alice." Loki whispers as he keeps his face closer to mine. "It's Sigyn." I wink and lean in to kiss him again. "This time, you better not leave me."

"Of course. You were 'bound to be with me for the rest of my life', remember any of that?" he says and we both chuckle.

I am now, Sigyn, the Goddess of Fidelity. Wed to Loki and living in another Realm just with him. How about that? Gosh. So much for a happy ending. ♥


*ALRIGHT. THE END OF "Mischief Romance". Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate every read, and comment and like! :* Sendin all my Love to you all. Thank You!


All Rights Reserved. I do not own Marvel's Avengers and their Characters. But I do own Alice Sigyn. Originally made by me.

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