Chapter 2: "You Again"

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I know I've seen him somewhere. His face looked familiar.

And there it was—the image of Loki terrorizing New York popped right out of nowhere. It's been 2 years and people must've forgotten about him like an online trend. I turned the television on and looked for any news about him. Unfortunately, nothing.

Maybe they haven't seen him yet, or even noticed him anywhere?

If people don't know then it must be my responsibility to alert people.



I cannot believe this. Why would the All-father try to banish me in this awful place without anything in hand? It's been days and my power has not returned.

My stomach growled at me. Back in Asgard, I don't get hungry most of the time. In the cell, the guards would send me meals whenever I want. Mother would never let me starve.

My reverie suddenly faded away when I heard a woman's voice—the same puny human with the distinct face I bumped into before.

"Oh God, no!"

At least she thinks I'm still a god.

"You again?"

"What are you doing here?" She asked, standing a few inches away from me.

"Maybe I should ask you that. Are you following me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"N-No! I was on my way to report you," she stuttered. "—And what I meant was—why are you here in Earth, dumbass?" She exclaims,

"Listen, you fool! I know what that meant!" I replied.

"Just answer the question!"



His face looked like he was ready to use his powers on me which was unfortunate. I was on my way to the station, afraid that someone or he might be listening in. But I guess I watch too many movies. Because taking the long route just in case he was following me didn't work. Instead, it took me straight to the devil.

There's no backing now. I'm ready to take a punch. I knew Judo back when I was a kid. So, I'll be waiting for his first punch.

"Argh—enough of this!" He suddenly exclaims, annoyance in his tone. He grits his teeth and turns, " Listen, I have not eaten anything yet, so I ask of you not to apall me, do you understand that? Leave me alone, mortal!" He adds, then plops himself on the ground. He sounded like a kid who lost his toy or something.

Awkward silence settled in for a few seconds.

"What?" I gasp, holding both my arms up then looks around with a confused look.

"I hate this place!" He says as he turns away. "I cannot believe Odin would just banish me in this awful place!"

I decided to approach him. I mean, he seems harmless. If he had powers, he would've nuked me out of the universe. "Dude, what's wrong with you—wait—you were banished?"

He looks up at me with an annoyed look, "Why would you care mortal? Off you go." He waved his hand, trying to shoo me off.

"I'm not leaving unless you tell me," I say crossing my arms, acting like a stubborn kid as well. I definitely did not expect the night to end this way. The 'god of mischief' sitting on the ground, stomping his feet about how he was kicked out of his home.

I'm not scared anymore. I am overly curious.

He looked away and sighed heavily, gazing at the skyline. "They thought banishing me would be better. But Thor thinks if I would try to become a better man, He'd convince Odin to bring me back." He looks down, probably thinking how terrible it would be to change.

"Thor's sweet to do that," I mumble, "He's your brother, isn't he?" Yep, I did my homework.

He immediately turned to me, "He is not my brother".

"But you just said he would convince Odin. He cares for you-"

"Bah!" He cuts me off, "You don't know that."

"Well if he agreed to do such a thing with your father, then he must really care for you. He just wants you to be taught a lesson."

"He shall stop all of it, then. Because there is nothing he can do to make me change my mind."

"And what? Stay here on Earth-"

"-Midgard" he corrects me,

I raise my eyebrow, "Midgard," I repeat, "and let the famous Avengers take you. And then what? You'll live happily ever after in our world?"

He gestures his hand like he was pushing me away, "Why am I even speaking to a mortal like you, who might be gathering information for another degenerate company?"

I scoff, "I am not gathering info, smartass! You're lucky I'm even considering helping you."

He stands up and clenches both his knuckles, "Why would I be in need of your help?"

"Because we both know you're just afraid and alone. You don't even have a plan. I think you're gonna need me."

He pauses, staring at me, "You don't know anything about me, Mortal-"

"It's Alice, so..."

"I do not care," He says, "but you are stupid enough to trust someone like me! I'm afraid you are only wasting your time."

"There's no point of losing trust in you, Loki." I look away, "You have nothing. And I can do anything, just to get you out of our world."


Perhaps Loki could play along. After all, she is what he needed: a follower, a slave. He would convince her that he was merely misunderstood and in pain. 

"Ah yes, another Midgardian seeking validation from her peers. If you wanted to be called a hero, you can say so," Loki pressed.

"I'm not doing this for any heroic shit," Alice shook her head in disagreement. "I'm doing this to get you out of our world. I won't let you kill anyone. Not this time."

"I'm just gonna do whatever it takes to send you back home so you can start a war wherever Asgard is." Alice jested, but Loki swiftly grabbed her by the shoulders. He squeezed her and glared right into her eyes.

He was worried, "How did thee know about the plans?"

"What are you talking about?"

He groaned, allowing Alice to pull free from his grip.

She figured him out all too fast.

"Wait a second," her jaw dropped, "That's your plan? I guessed it right, didn't I?"

He glanced back at Alice but remained silent.

"You're surprisingly predicted. But listen here, I'm helping you out."

He sneered.

She put her hand on her waist, "I'm your only chance. There's no one out here who will give you a deal like this."

Loki clenched his hand, looking at Alice. Finally, he nodded.

Alice chuckled, "If you're gonna agree to stay with me, you can't keep up with that attitude."

"Who told you that I was to stay at your chambers?"

"I'm helping you, right?"

"And by that, how is staying with a mortal a 'help' exactly?" He asked.

"You're gonna live like one."

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