Chapter 1:

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I stared at the ceiling, memories from my childhood flashing through my head. Only one particular person came to mind though. Newt Scamnder. We were best friends but that all changed when he got suspended. In a chaotic life, he felt like an anchor. But then I lost it all.

After I finished school I hopped onto the first boat I could and came to America. This is where I ran into Queenie Goldstein. She then later introduced me to her sister Tina and they offered me a place to stay with them. That was three years ago. I helped them with whatever they needed and they helped me through whatever I needed. They knew everything involving Newt.

I heard the apartment front door close. I jumped up from my bed walked out of my room, suspecting Tina to be home. As I neared the living room I heard voices.

"Teenie, you brought men home." Queenie said.

"Gentlemen. This is my sister." Tina informed the supposed men. "Where's Athena?"

I took a step forward and the floorboard slightly creaked under me making Queenie turn her head to look at me.

"Athena. We have guests." Queenie smiled.

I moved into the doorway and stopped beside Queenie before turning to the living room. Accompanying Tina were two men. One was a short, round man and the other was somewhat tall and skinny.

My eyes widened in surprise once my mind registered who the tall, skinny one was. "Newt?"

My heart sped up slightly, not hearing or even saying that name in years except when talking to Tina and Queenie.

"Athena." He smiled but his gaze was half to the floor and half on me.

We kept our eyes on each other for a moment before his gaze was fully on the floor. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Tina across the room smiling and Queenie smiling.

"Wanna put something on, Queenie?" Tina asked as she took her hat off.

"Oh. Sure." Queenie said.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Queenie used to wand to take her dress off the dummy it was currently on. I looked back at Tina who was moving about the apartment and Newt who was occupying himself with the window.

"So. Who are they?" A now decently dressed Queenie asked.

"That's Mr. Scamander. He's committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy." Tina said as she walked towards us.

I moved to the side to let Tina through.

"He's a criminal?" Queenie asked.

"Uh huh. And that's Mr. Kowalski. He's a Mo-Maj." Tina continued.

My eyes landed on the short man. In his currently mesmerized state he gave a short wave and kept his eyes glued on Queenie.

"Teen. What are you up to?" Queenie asked quietly.

"He's sick. It's a long story." Tina said. "Mr. Scamander has lost something I'm going to help him find."

Mr. Kowalski stumbled backwards a bit.

"Oh. You need to sit down honey. He hasn't eaten anything all day." Queenie said rushing over to Mr. Kowalski who was sitting down on the couch now. "Oh that's rough. He didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake honey?"

Mr. Kowalski tried to say something but no words came out.

"I love to cook." She smiled at him.

"You're a Legilimens?" Newt asked finally looking away from the window.

"Mmm yeah. But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent." Queenie admitted.

"Is that why you barely spoke about mine the first year I was here?" I asked realizing.

Queenie turned to look at me and nodded. I guess losing a bit of your accent helps.

"You know how to read minds?" Mr. Kowalski stuttered.

"Oh. Don't worry honey. Most guys think what you was thinking first time they see me." Queenie said.

Kowalski looked around unsure for a moment and I looked up to see Newt looking at me. He quickly looked away and a small smile formed on my lips at the thought that he still couldn't look people in the eyes.

"Now you need food." Queenie said gesturing with her wand before walking away.

Kowalski watched in awe. Newt went back to looking out the window. I thought about walking over to Newt and trying to start a conversation but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Turning, I watched as Tina and Queenie used their magic to set up dinner.

"Hot dog? Again?" Queenie asked.

"Don't read my mind." Tina shot back.

"Not a very wholesome lunch." Queenie said then looked at me. "You haven't eaten anything today either."

"I'm fine." I waved her off.

I pulled my wand out and started to help set the table. It was usual for us to do this and since they were letting me stay here I had to help. Someone's hands on the chair across from me made me look up and see Kowalski was standing at the table now. Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Looking up I saw Newt approaching the door.

"Hey Mr. Scamander." Queenie spoke up, not looking up.

Newt stopped with his hand resting against the door.

"You prefer pie or strudel?" Queenie asked finally looking up.

"I really don't have a preference." Newt said.

It got quiet and I looked away behind me.

"You prefer strudel, huh honey." Queenie said.

Looking back, I saw her attention was on Kowalski. The shocked man was now sitting at the table and he was nodding.

Queenie smiled. "Strudel it is."

A few seconds later she had her wand in the air and the strudel ingredients were floating through the air. As they got closer to the table surface they combined. Soon enough the strudel was on the table ready to be eaten and the candles on the table were lit.

"Well. Sit down Mr. Scamander." Tina said leaning against the chair I was standing near.

I moved to opposite end of the table.

"We're not gonna poison you." I said looking back at Newt.

His eyes were on me but quickly moved to look around the room. The beating of my heart increased slightly and I quickly looked away from Newt to the table surface. The feelings were somehow still there. I felt eyes on me and raised my gaze to see Queenie looked at me knowingly. Shaking my head, I sat down in the chair.

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