Chapter 4:

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"Titus, Finn, Poppy, Marlow, Tom." Newt said as we walked through trees.

The small creature on his hand made a noise and Newt held him up.

"He had a cold. He needed some body warmth." Newt explained.

"Aww." Jacob said.

Newt walked over to a tree filled with those creatures. "Alright. On you hop."

Newt held him to the tree but he didn't budge. Jacob let out an amused noise.

"He has some attachment issues." Newt said facing us before turning back around and smiling. "Now come on, Pickett."

Newt held Pickett closer to the tree but Pickett didn't budge.

"Pickett." Newt said. "No they're not going to bully you now come on."

Everytime Newt would move one of his hands Pickett would move onto the other. Pickett started dangling off Newt's hand.

"Pickett." Newt repeated.

Pickett continued to dangle.

"Alright. And that is exactly why they accuse me of favoritism." Newt said as he put Pickett onto his shoulder.

I continued to look up at the tree as Newt walked away.

"Oh no. Dougal's gone." Newt muttered.

I turned to see Newt staring at a hanging dome. Chirping caused Newt to move to one on the ground.

"Alright. I'm coming, I'm coming. Mum's here. Mum's here." Newt said as he leaned down towards the nest.

I laughed slightly and Newt glanced back at me.

"Oh. Hello. Let me take a look at you." Newt said as he picked the closest creature up.

"I know these guys." Jacob laughed.

Newt held the creature out. "Your Occamy."

"What do you mean my Occamy?" Jacob asked.

"Yes. Do you want to..." Newt trailed off.

Jacob held his hands out. "Oh wow. Yeah. Sure. Okay."

The Occamy was careful handed off and I looked down to hide the smile on my face. Looking up I saw Jacob looking at the Occamy.

"Hey." He said carefully.

The Occamy chirped. Jacob went to pet it and it hissed while biting him. He drew his hand back and let out a noise.

"Oh. Sorry no. Don't pet him. They, um, learn to defend themselves early. See their shells are made of silver, so they're incredibly valuable." Newt explained.

"Okay." Jacob said while carefully lowering the Occamy away from him.

"Their nests tend to get ransacked by hunters." Newt said as he took the Occamy back from Jacob.

"Thank you." Jacob said moving back slightly. "Mr. Scamander."

"Oh. Call me Newt." Newt said as the Occamy went back into it's nest.

"Newt. I don't think I'm dreaming." Jacob shook his head.

"What gave it away?" I asked.

"I ain't got the brains to make this up." Jacob said as he looked around.

Both Newt and I shared a look before looking back at Jacob.

"Would you mind throwing some of those pellets in with the Mooncalfs over there?" Newt asked Jacob.

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