Chapter 3:

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Walking through the door behind Newt with Kowalski following me, I came face to face with a whole different world. It was like we entered a zoo but it was more open. I wandered forward as it started to rain in the environment in front of us and saw Newt standing in front of a rock and looking up. Looking up as well, I saw a creature in the sky. It was a bird-like creature with a long tail.

"Come on. Down you come." Newt called.

Lightning lit up the form of the creature and a smile spread across my face. The creature made it's way down by flapping it's wings and I stepped closer, slightly cautious, to Newt who was still looking up. Newt got rid of the umbrella his wand had produced and stuffed his hands in his pocket as the giant creature landed on the rock.

"Thank Paracelsus. If you'd have got out that could've been quite catastrophic." Newt sighed, relieved.

Newt turned to look at us. "So he's the real reason I came to America."

The golden light lit up Newt a bit more and a small smile spread across my face once more. It gave him a glow of that made certain features of his more prominent. Newt turned back to the creature he was petting and I quickly looked away from Newt to the creature.

"To bring Frank home." Newt said, his eyes on Frank now.

Frank started screeching and Newt turned to see Kowalski moving closer.

"Wait. No. Sorry. Stay there. He's a wee bit sensitive to strangers." Newt said over Frank's noises.

Kowalski stopped moving towards Frank but Frank continued to make slight noises. Newt rubbed Frank's beak which made Frank calm down.

I continued to watch in awe as Newt comforted Frank. "Here you are. Here you are."

"He was trafficked, you see. I found him in Egypt. He was all chained up. Couldn't leave him there. I had to bring him back. I'm gonna put you back where you belong, aren't I Frank? To the wilds of Arizona." Newt said, looking up at Frank who he was still petting.

Frank let out another screech and Newt let go of him. Stepping back a little, Newt threw something into the air and Frank flew away. Another gold light surrounded Newt as he turned and made a calling sound. He hurried down the steps and took the bucket from Kowlaski, moving onto the next creature. Soon enough we were walking among all different species as Newt continued to make that noise. Looking around, an even wider smile spread across my face.

A few creatures ran past me and I looked down at them. They stopped at my feet and looked up at me for a moment before going on their way. I looked up, wide eyed and saw Newt holding his hand out slightly to me. A nudge on my ankle made me look down to see a small creature.

"Hello." I laughed.

It made a small squeak before running away and I turned to see it go. A hand went into mine and I turned to see another environment. Stepping closer to Newt, who was the one holding my hand for some reason, he quickly let go and stepped forward when there were thunderous noises coming from the environment. The environment was a rocky desert setting.

"Alright, here they come." Newt said.

"Here who comes?" Kowlaski asked.

"Graphorns." Newt said as creatures appeared out of the slight fog.

Kowalski started backing up. "Hey!"

"You're alright." Newt leaned back and grabbed his arm to stop him.

The Graphorns were right in front of us now and I saw what seemed to be tentacles hanging their chins.

"Woah." I breathed out.

"Oh." Kowalski expressed, still clearly freaked out.

"Hello. Hello." Newt said as the Graphorn and him were closer.

The Graphorn slightly wrapped it's tentacles around Newt.

"They're the last breeding pair in existence. So if I hadn't managed to rescue them, that could've been the end of Graphorns forever." Newt explained.

A tinier Graphorn walked over to me and I gently put my hand on it. He walked around me, making my hand drag across him.

"Hello." I said quietly.

It walked over to Kowalski and started repeating it's parent's actions. I looked up to see Newt looking at me, a small smile on his face. The Graphorn in front of him started messing with him which made him look back at it.

"Alright." Newt said taking the thing out of the bucket and throwing it into the environment.

The younger Graphorn pounced after the food. I let out a small laugh as its actions and looked up to see both men looking at me. Quickly clearing my throat, I turned and looked down.

"What. You rescue these creatures?" Kowalski asked.

"Yes. That's right. Rescue, nurture, and protect them. And I'm gently trying to educate my fellow wizards about them." Newt informed us.

Newt started to walk away.

"He's wanted to ever since we were younger." I gave Kowalski a smile.

He turned to look at me, caught off guard by me talking.

"Huh?" He asked.

"I went to school with Newt. Ever since he was younger he's had this fascination with beasts." I explained.

Kowalski nodded and looked at where Newt had gone.

"What's your full name by the way? I don't think I got it besides Kowalski And I'm not one to call people by their last names unless they specifically say to do so."

"Jacob." He responded and looked at me.

"Jacob. I'm Athena. Nice to properly meet you." I smile at him again and hold my hand out.

He took it, shaking my hand. 

"Come on." Newt called.

Turning, I saw Newt looking at us. I followed after both Jacob and Newt into a tree. It changed into a cave-like environment as soon as we stepped through. Spikes hung down from the ceiling and they rose up from the ground.

"Wow." Jacob and I said at the same time, amazed by the surrounding.

We moved farther along the pathway to catch up with Newt who was a little ways away by now.

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