Chapter 2:

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The five of us were currently at the table talking. I heard a small noise and turned my head to see one of the latch's on Newt's case was open. Newt's hand appeared and he closed the latch. Looking up slightly, I saw Newt glancing at me.

"The job ain't that glamorous. I mean. I spend most days making coffee. Unjinxing the john. Tina's the career girl." Queenie explained.

I looked up at Newt to see him looking at the table.

"Nah. We're orphans. Ma and Pa died of Dragon Pox when we were kids." Queenie continued. "Oh. You're sweet. But we got each other."

Queenie and Tina shared a glance and I looked down. I know I wasn't their sister or anything but they also had me. Something touched my leg and I looked to see Newt's hand near it like he was trying to hold my hand. Looking up I saw Newt with his eyes briefly on mine before we both looked away.

"Could you stop reading my mind for a second?" Kowalski spoke.

"Oh." Queenie said and moved away.

"Don't get me wrong. I love it." Kowalski continued.

They both laughed and I let my eyes wander around the room as if I had never seen it.

"This meal, it's insanely good. And this is what I do. I'm a cook. And this is like the greatest meal I have ever had in my life."

They both laughed again.

"Oh. You slay me." Queenie exclaimed. "I ain't really talk to a No-Maj before."

"Huh. Really?" Kowalski asked. 

Both of them were looking at each other interestedly while using their arms as support. It got quiet.

"I am not flirting." Queenie said in an upset tone.

I looked up at Tina.

"I'm just saying don't go getting attached. He's gonna have to be obliviated." Tina said to Queenie.

Kowalski used the napkin that was tucked in his shirt to wipe his face.

Tina turned her attention to him. "It's nothing personal."

"Oh hey. You okay honey?" Queenie asked.

"So, Ms. Goldstein. I think Mr. Kowalski could do with an early night. " Newt said standing up and standing behind the chair he was previously sitting in. "Besides. You and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my Niffler, so."

"What's a niffler?" Queenie asked Tina who was standing up by this point too.

I went to inform her what I did know but Tina cut me off. "Don't ask."

"Hey. You guys can bunk in here." Tina said gesturing as she walked away.


Much to Tina's surprise, I offered to take the tray of drinks to the boys for her. I knocked on the door of the room Newt and Kowalski were currently bunking in. As I opened the door my eyes landed on Newt who had the blanket pulled up to his chin. I slid the door open fully to see Kowalski sitting up reading a book.

"I.... Tina thought you might like a hot drink." I slightly stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous for some reason.

Moving into the room farther, I walked over to Kowalski and handed him a cup off he tray. I turned to see Newt hadn't moved a muscle as I put the other cup on the bedside table. Turning to move back to the door and leave, Newt grabbed my wrist. Our eyes met and he gave me a look.

"Wow." Kowalski expressed. "Psst. Hey. Mr. Scamander look. Cocoa."

"Toilet's down the hall to the right." Tina said poking her head into the room.

I reluctantly pulled my wrist from his grip and walked over to the door. Tina slightly ripped the tray from my hands and walked away. Kowalski muttered something as Queenie disappeared from view. Movement made me turn to see Newt bending over his case that was now in the middle of the floor. He unlatched it and opened it before stepping straight into the case.

Newt disappeared and Kowalski let out a high pitched sound making me jump slightly. Seconds later Newt's hand popped out of the case and gestured for us to follow. I obeyed and stepped into the case. Newt helped me down the rest of the way and when my feet landed on the ground our eyes met. Newt moved past me and reached his hand out of his case again.

He walked past me the opposite way and I followed his figure. With much struggle and help with us, Kowalski was soon down here with us. I looked around at the same time Kowalski did at bug-like creatures that were flying around.

"Will you sit down?" Newt asked not bothering to look up from what he was doing.

"Good idea." Kowalski muttered as he sat down.

Newt walked over to Kowalski and started looking at something on his neck. I moved out of the way and looked around.

"That's definitely the Murtlap. You must be particularly susceptible." Newt said as he walked over to a cabinet. "See. You're a Muggle. So our physiologies are subtly different."

I watched as Newt started making something and soon was back at Kowalski rubbing something on his neck.

"Ew." Kowalski expressed disgustedly.

"Stay still." Newt ordered.

"Ah." Kowalski said.

"That should stop the sweating. And one of those should sort the twitch." Newt informed as he walked away.

I looked at Kowalski who hesitated before putting whatever was in his hand in his mouth. The sound of a knife made my head snap to see Newt cutting something up. He threw whatever he had cut up into a bucket and held it out to Kowalski.

"Here. Take that.' Newt said.

Kowalski accepted it disgustedly. I looked back at Newt and realized that his vest and overcoat was off, leaving him in just his long sleeve white shirt. He had a small tube in his hand and was squeezing something into it.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked.

Newt continued to squeeze the blue liquid into the tube. "This, the locals call Swooping Evil. Not the friendliest of names. It's quite an agile fella."

He looked at me then Kowalski for a moment. A cocoon type thing hung from his hand.

"I've been studying him and I'm pretty sure that his venom could be quite useful if properly diluted. Just to remove bad memories."

Newt was facing the door now and moved his hand backwards to reveal a bird-type creature. It got close to Kowalski who looked scared. I saw blue wings with the ends in yellow. The Swooping Evil quickly disappeared and Newt turned around with a smile on his face.

"Probably shouldn't let him loose in here though." Newt said as he opened the door. "Come on."

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