Chapter 9:

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I stepped onto the ledge of the rooftop and Newt stood beside me seconds later.

Tina stood on the other side of Newt. "Graves always insisted the disturbances were caused by a beast."

I turned to look at her as she turned to Newt. "We need to catch all your creatures so he can't keep using them as a scapegoat."

"There's only one still missing. Dougal my Demiguise." Newt informed her.

"Dougal?" She asked amused.

"Slight problem is that, um, he's invisible." Newt said looking out at the city.

Both Tina and I turned to look at him. "Invisible?"

"Yes. Most of the time. He does, um...." Newt trailed off.

"How do you catch something..." Tina started to say.

Newt cut her off. "With immense difficulty."

"Oh." Tina nodded and laughed.

She stepped closer to him. "Gnarlack."

"Excuse me?" Newt asked.

"Gnarlack?" I asked.

"Gnarlack. He was an informant of mine when I was an Auror. He used to trade in magical creatures on the side." Tina explained.

"He wouldn't happen to have an interest in paw prints, would he?" Newt asked.

Tina put her hands on her hips. "He's interested in anything he can sell."

Soon enough all five of us were off the rooftop and walking down an alleyway. Tina led the way down steps and we could faintly hear music playing. We came to a brick wall with a woman painted on the side and Queenie joined her sister in front of it.  Newt, Jacob and I watched as they used their wands to change their outfits into dresses.

"Alright. Athena." Tina gestured with her wand for me to join them.

"I'm not..." I went to deny but Queenie pulled me off the stairs and closer to them.

"What's a little harm in dress up?" She asked innocently.

I sighed defeatedly and used my wand to change my outfit. It transformed into a gold dress and I quickly tucked my wand away.

"Happy?" I asked.

Queenie nodded and then looked back at Jacob and Newt, making me turn around to look at them. Before I could see Newt's reaction I turned back to the painted wall. Tina started knocking on the wall and the painting started moving. I looked back at Newt who used his wand to tie his bowtie and a small smile spread across my face. A door opened and we walked in.  I listened to the singer and soon found myself sitting at the table beside Newt.

Queenie left the table to go join Jacob who was at the bar. I looked around at everyone in here and felt Newt's hand in mine, making me turn to look at him. He gave me a shy smile and I looked away.

"I've arrested half the people in here." Tina said getting my attention.

"You can tell me to mind my own business but I saw something in that death potion back there. I saw you hugging that Second Salem boy." Newt said.

"His name's Credence. His mother beats him. She beats all those kids she's adopted but she seems to hate him the most." Tina explained before I could.

"And she was the No-Maj you attacked?" He questioned.

"That's how I lost my job. I went for her in front of a meeting of her crazy followers. They all had to be Obliviated. It was a big scandal." Tina said.

A goblin sat down across the table from us. "So."

A glass was sat in front of him and he sat back. I guess this was Gnarlack.

"You're the guy with the case full of monsters huh?" Gnarlack asked.

"News travels fast." Newt looked down.

Gnarlack threw the glass back, drinking what was inside it all at once. Once the glass was empty he put in it back on the table and looked at us.

"I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there've been any sightings. Tracks. That sort of thing." Newt said.

A piece of paper was put in front of Gnarlack and he started writing on it. "You got a pretty big price on your head Mr. Scamander. Why should I help you instead of turning you in?"

"I take it I'll have to make it worth your while." Newt kept his gaze down.

"Let's consider it a cover charge." Gnarlack said before putting his cigar back in his mouth.

Newt let go of my hand and reached into his pocket before sliding money across the table to Gnarlack.

"MACUSA's offering more than that." Gnarlack muttered.

Newt pulled something from his pocket and carefully placed it on the table.

"Lunascope? I got five." Gnarlack responded before looking away, clearly unimpressed.

Newt put away the Lunascope and reached into his pocket again. He pulled out a clear egg and put it on the table in between us all.

"Frozen Ashwinder egg." Newt explained.

"You see. Now we're..." Gnarlack said before stopping. "Wait a minute. That's a... That's a Bowtruckle. Right?"

I looked where he was pointing and saw Pickett who was hanging on Newt's coat.

Newt quickly covered him. "No."

"Oh come on. They pick locks, am I right?" Gnarlack pushed.

"You're not having him." Newt said.

"Well. Good luck getting back alive Mr. Scamander. What with the whole of MACUSA on your back." Gnarlack said walking away.

I grabbed Newt's hand and he quickly squeezed it before letting go.

"Alright." Newt said.

I looked at Newt and he glanced at me. Newt was struggling to pull Pickett off him.

"Pickett." Newt said as he finally got Pickett off and held him away from him.

Gnarlack walked back over and took Pickett, who was reaching out for Newt. "Oh."

I looked at Newt who still held the position of giving Pickett away.

"Something invisible's been wreaking havoc around 5th Avenue. You may want to check our Macy's Department Store. Might have what you're looking for." Gnarlack explained, still holding Pickett.

"Dougal." Newt said. "One last thing. There's a Mr. Graves who works at MACUSA. I was wondering what you knew of his background."

"You ask a lot of questions Mr. Scamander. That can get you killed." Gnarlack said.

"MACUSA are coming!" Someone called.

Tina stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "You tipped them off?"

Gnarlack started laughing and everyone started screaming.

Jacob walked over to Gnarlack with his hands up. "Sorry Mr. Gnarlack."

Jacob punched him, sending him to the floor. Newt and I jumped up. I joined Tina, Queenie, and Jacob while Newt ran over to Gnarlack.

"Reminds me of my foreman." Jacob said.

I looked around as the place quickly emptied. Seconds later Newt joined us and we apparated away, Jacob taking a shot and laughing before we did so.

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