Chapter 7:

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There was a knock on the case door. I climbed out after Newt and looked around to see people who looked to be in a meeting. Jacob popped out and I heard people in the crowd whispering. I looked around even more and saw more people. Newt bent down and closed his case.

"Scamander?" A man asked.

"Oh. Hello Mister." Newt greeted as he picked up his case.

"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Another man asked.

"No. This is his little brother." Another man said. "And what are you doing in New York?"

"I came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein sir." Newt informed.

"Right. What are you really doing here?" He asked.

"Goldstein." A lady said.

I looked to see the President of MACUSA.

"Who is this?" She asked.

"This Jacob Kowalski, Madam President. He's a No-Maj who got bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures." Tina informed.

A lady from the crowd started talking. "No-Maj? Oblivate him."

"Obliviate him." A man called.

"And Athena." The President sighed.

"Hello Madam President. How long had it been?" I asked, ignoring my pounding heart screaming at me to stop.

She looked at me unamused and I quickly looked away. I had some run-ins with Madam President and the council but Tina and even Queenie both saved me. I'm surprised they haven't done anything yet.

"Merlin's beard." Newt muttered.

I looked up to see everyone looking up. Looking up, a blue form of someone who was obviously dead floating above us. Somehow Newt and I ended up holding hands. The person flew over us and I watched in confusion as to who this was.

"You know which of your creatures was responsible Mr. Scamander?" A lady up front asked.

"No creature did this. Don't pretend. You must know what that was. Look at the marks." Newt said.

We all stood in silence and I looked at Newt. He glanced at me and I gave a nod of encouragement.

"That was an Obscurus." Newt said, breaking the silence and looking back at everyone.

Everyone in the crowd started talking and I squeezed Newt's hand slightly. I wasn't going to lie, I was scared about what was happening.

"You go too far Mr. Scamander. There is no Obscurial in America." The President said.

I looked at Newt who looked at her worried. The President looked over at a man to get right.

"Impound that case Graves." She ordered.

The case flew out of Newt's hand and to a man who was sitting.

"Wait. No. Give that back." Newt ordered as he let go of my hand and took his wand out.

"Arrest them." The President ordered.

The Graves guy lifted Newt into the air and the four of us were forced to our knees roughly.

"Let us go!" I begged.

Graves stood up, case in hand.

"Don't hurt those creatures." Newt begged, close to tears. "Please. You don't understand. Nothing in there's dangerous. Nothing."

"Let us go! This is all just a big misunderstanding. Newt would never harm anyone." I said, my heart pounding.

"We'll be the judge of that." The President said. "Take them to the cells."

Someone grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. I tried to escape their grip but gave up seconds later.

"Don't hurt those creatures. Nothing in there is dangerous. Please don't hurt my creatures, they're not dangerous. Please! They're not dangerous." Newt begged, screaming towards the end as we were getting dragged away. "They're not dangerous."

My heart dropped at his cries. Soon the four of us were sitting in a cell. Newt was in the corner on the floor, I was against the wall near him, Tina was standing near the door, and Jacob was sitting on the bed.

"I'm so sorry about your creatures, Mr. Scamander. I truly am." Tina said.

Newt remained quiet and I looked at him.

"Can someone please tell me what this Obscurial, Obscurous thing is please?" Jacob asked.

"There hasn't been one for centuries." Tina said.

Newt finally spoke. "I met one in Sudan three months ago."  "There used to be more of them, but they still exist. It was before wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by Muggles. Young wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. So instead of learning to harness or to control their powers, they developed what was called an Obscurus."

"It's an unstable, uncontrollable dark force that busts out and attacks. And then vanishes." Tina said.

I looked at Newt to see him hiding his Face behind his hand.

"Obscurials can't survive long, can they?" Tina asked.

"There's no documental case of an Obscurial surviving past the age of ten. The one I met in Africa was eight when she... She was eight when she died." Newt said.

I scooted closer and he looked at me for a moment before grabbing my hand.

"What are you telling me here? That Senator Shaw was killed by a kid?" Jacob asked.

Ladies soon came by and took Newt, Tina, and I out of the cell, leaving Jacob there by himself. They started walking us to wherever and I kept my head down. Tina was in front, I was in the middle and Newt walked behind me.

"It was good to make your acquaintance Jacob." Newt called back to the man left in the cell.

I turned around to see Newt looking at him. The lady beside me stepped closer to me. I shot her a glare and returned my attention back to Newt and Jacob's conversation.

"And I hope you get your bakery." Newt finished.

Jacob waved and I turned back around to continue walking to wherever we were going. I looked at the lady beside me who had moved back to where she originally was. My heart dropped, unsure of what was going to happen next but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.

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