Chapter 12:

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We ran onto the rooftop and watched as the Obsurcus wrecked havoc. Newt stood on the ledge and the rest of us watched over it. I quickly climbed up to join Newt.

"Is that it? That's the Obscurial thing?" Jacob asked.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I've ever heard of." Newt said.

Tina joined Newt and I on the ledge. We watched as the black mass destroyed the surrounding buildings. Newt quickly turned to look at me.

"If I don't come back..." Newt started to say.

"No." I shook my head.

"Look after my creatures." Newt finished and handed me the case and then handed me a booklet from his pocket. "Everything you need to know is in there.

"I'm coming with you." I quickly handed Tina the case and booklet.

The sound of destruction made Newt snap his head towards the mass.

"What?" Tina asked quietly.

"They're not killing it." He said looking back at Tina.

As he jumped off the roof I grabbed his hand and we both apparated. We landed on the street and walked towards a turned over car.

"To survive so long." Graves said. "With this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle."

The black mass, which was apparently Credence, lashed around but stayed in the same spot.

"Come with me. Think of what we could achieve together." Graves said.

Credence rushed towards him and Newt pulled me out of the way behind the car. I pulled my wand out and looked at Newt who had done the same.

"Newt! Athena!" Tina called from behind another car.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial." Newt called back.

"He's not a child." Tina responded

"His power must be so strong he's somehow managed to survive." Newt said.

I poked my head out to see Credence causing more destruction. Tina and I made eye contact and I gestured with my eyes to go out there. She nodded and I turned to looked at Newt.

"Newt." I said getting his attention.

"Save him." Tina said.

We both ran out from behind the cars but Newt grabbed me and apparted. Seconds later we were on a building top.

"Why did you bring me along? I thought you didn't want me here in the first place." I asked as Credence rushed by.

"I need your help." Newt said.

"For...." I started to say before he cut me off.

"Credence." Newt said putting his hands up.

"Credence we can help." I said as he rushed towards us.

I quickly apparted us and we took off running across the next building. Once we reached the ledge of that building we apparted onto another. Credence was right between the buildings and on the other rooftops were other wizards. They were either firing at Credence, us, or both. Newt and I pressed ourselves against a door and watched where Credence went. As Credence rushed by wizards shot magic at him.

"Newt." I said.

He looked at me.

"I know it's not the time but..." I started to say before he cut me off by grabbing my waist and pulling me into a kiss.

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