Chapter 14:

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Graves turned back around and walked a couple steps before starting to fire at the Aurors and the President. We ducked down and Newt sent out the Swooping Evil. He fired something out at Graves and prevented him from harming anyone else. Graves fell to his knees. Newt pulled the rope, holding Graves.

"Accio!" Tina called.

His wand flew to her and she caught it. The three of us got onto the platform and started approaching Graves slowly.

Newt lifted his wand up. "Revelio."

Grave's brown hair slowly turned to a blond-grey color and we walked closer to him. The newly revealed man looked up at the President who walked closer to him.

"Do you think you can hold me?" The man asked quietly.

"We'll do our best Mr. Grindelwald." The President responded.

Aurors grabbed him and pulled him to his feet before leading him away to the stairs. They stopped at Newt who was leaning against the wall and Grindelwald turned to look at him. Newt looked up at him.

"Will we die just a little?" He asked.

The Aurors led him away up the stairs and Newt watched him leave. I looked over at Queenie and Jacob who were walking up. I stood beside Newt as Jacob stopped in front of him.

"Hey. I figured somebody ought to keep an eye on this thing." Jacob said holding the case out to Newt.

Newt took the case with his free hand. "Thank you."

"We owe you an apology Mr. Scamander." The President said. "But the magical community is exposed. We cannot Obliviate an entire city."

"Actually." Newt said. "I think we can."

I looked Newt at the same time everyone else did. He walked over before putting his case down near the hole, the case lid open. I stepped towards Tina, Jacob, and Queenie a little bit. Seconds later a creature flew out. It was Frank. Newt walked towards Frank as he landed in front of him.

"I was intending to wait until we got to Arizona. But it seems that now you're our only hope Frank." Newt said.

He stepped forward and starting petting Frank. Frank leaned down and their heads were on each others at one point.

"I'll miss you too." Newt said after a moment.

Newt stepped back and held up a tube of blue liquid in a tube.

"You know what you gotta do." Newt said.

He threw the tube up and Frank flew into the air. After he caught it he took and all of us walked closer to the hole. I stepped up to Newt and grabbed his hand, making him look at me. A cloud formed and it started to thunder and lightning, rain followed seconds later. After a few moments of watching we turned to see The President. I turned to see the hole was slowly put back together and I turned to face Newt.

"They won't remember anything. That venom has incredibly powerful Obliviative properties." Newt informed the President.

"We owe you a great debt Mr. Scamander." The President said getting both his and Tina's attention. "Now get that case out of New York."

"Yes Madam President." Newt nodded.

She started walking away but stopped and turned back to face us. "Is that No-Maj still here?"

I turned to see Jacob step out slightly from behind Queenie.

"Obliviate him. There can be no exceptions." She ordered.

We all turned to look at her.

"I'm sorry but even one witness.... You know the law." She had an apologicetic tone but kept a firm, stern look.

I let my head drop out of sadness for Jacob and Queenie.

"I'll let you say goodbye." The President said turning and walking away.

Eventually the five of us walked up the stairs that led out of the subway and into the street. We followed Jacob who stopped at the top of the stairs. Queenie had a hold on him and it made things slightly worse.

"Hey." He said turning to look at the four of us. "This is for the best. Yeah. I was... I was never supposed to be here."

His voice started breaking. "I was never supposed to know any of this. Everybody knows Newt only kept me around because... Hey. Newt. Why did you keep me around?"

"Because I like you. Because you're my friend. And I'll never forget how you helped me Jacob." Newt said.

"Oh." Jacob said, his voice breaking more the closer he was to fully crying.

Queenie stepped up the last step to him. "Hey. I'll come with you."

They both started laughing.

"We'll go somewhere. We'll go anywhere. See. I ain't never gonna find anyone like you." Queenie said.

"There's loads like me." Jacob said sadly, gesturing with his thumb.

"No. No. There's only one like you." Queenie shook her head.

Jacob nodded. "I gotta go."

He turned to walk into the rain but stopped.

"Jacob." Newt said walking up the steps past me.

Tina and I followed and Jacob turned to look at us a bit.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." Jacob said and faced us fully.

He nodded and took a moment as he fixed his jacket before looking back at us. "It's just like waking up, right?"

We all stood there looking at Jacob and he looked at us. He stepped backwards into the rain and we stepped up the steps. He walked backwards a bit before stopping. When he stopped moving he looked up into the rain fully. Queenie used her wand to create an umbrella and walked out into the rain towards him. She put her hand on the side of his face and ran her thumb over his lips before leaning in and kissing him. Newt grabbed my hand and I looked at him before looking back at Queenie and Jacob.

Queenie stopped kissing Jacob and stepped backwards. He slowly looked down but still had his eyes closed and Queenie slowly back up towards us. I looked at Newt and he looked at me as we disappeared.

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