Did That Really Happen?

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Yuri stirred in his sleep, slowly opening his eyes and groaning. His head was aching and he just wanted to die, the soft light coming through his window from the street lamps nearly burning his sight. "Holy fuck, how wasted did I get?" He mumbled as he turned, reaching for his blanket to pull it over himself.

"Wait..." Yuri's eyes shot open as he realized he rolled against someone warm in his bed. Sitting up quickly, his head spun and he almost fell back onto the person. "What the fuck did I do?" He squeaked out, leaning forward and hesitating a moment before using his hand to brush the hair off the male's face. His hands flew to his face to shut himself up before he woke him, "Beka?!"

Taking a few deep breaths, he slowly layed back down. "Maybe this was just a dream, must be having one influenced by the alcohol. Definitely not the real Beka...right?" His head rest against the arm sprawled across the pillows, pausing a moment before saying fuck it and decided to nuzzle into the other's side. He listened to the soft breathing  and gratefully accepted the warmth, soon dozing off in hopes that his migraine would fade.

The two slept a few more hours until Otabek was woken by movement next to him on the bed. He blinked a few times to adjust to the brightness from the windows, glancing around what he could from his position. "Wait, windows? I don't have windows. Where am-" he looked to his side at the sleeping figure with long blonde hair all over the place. "Oh shit, I brought Yuri home and he didn't let me leave."

Otabek rubbed his eyes with the hand he had that wasn't caught under the passed out Yuri, not daring to move in chance he may wake him up. Lifting his head up slightly to put his free arm behind it, he took his time to look around the room. He had mixed and surprised feelings about what he was seeing, "am I in the right place?"

The first thing noticed was the pale colored walls, one each of pink, blue, purple, and yellow. There was small picture frames of various pastel colors decorating the walls and shelves. The dresser and closet door were a matching teal, along with the see-thru curtains of the same color.

Reaching to the side and pulling the blanket up tighter to Yuri's neck, Otabek chuckled as he noticed the bedset design of light pink and purple cheetah print. He turned to see that there was matching pillows and, less surprisingly, several small stuffed cats along with them. One of which he recognized.

"Wait a sec," Otabek thought to himself, "I gave this to him when he won in the finals, two years ago." He picked it up and looked it over, this definitely was the one from him. "It was a joke, but...he kept it?" It was still in nice shape too, making Otabek smile slightly. "It must have been taken good care of," he looked down to the sleeping male on his side.

Otabek placed the cat back on the pillows and lifted his gaze to the photos around the room. They was mostly of him and his grandpa, like he figured there would be, some pieces of magazine articles that he was featured in, and one or two of him and Viktor. Two specific ones caught his eyes though, next together on a shelf above their feet at the end of the bed.

Squinting to try to make sure he was seeing right, the older male nearly gasped. The first he saw was a selfie of the two right after finals where he took Yuri out to celebrate his win, both of them with bright smiles on their faces. The second one shook him even more. It was a photo of himself. He had no idea it was taken, but it was of him looking intently to the side of the camera with a half smile while holding his phone.

 He had no idea it was taken, but it was of him looking intently to the side of the camera with a half smile while holding his phone

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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