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Well, I will be writing up a whole chapter to educate all you ignorant people on a little disorder I have called: Dyslexia.

Ah yes, I will save what I want to say for that chapter.

Imma educate you on it so you can stop calling me stupid for how I write, word, misspell, confuse words like their, they're and there ect and many other things I have to deal with.

This is going to be fun, I am getting so much information on it so you can really stop demeaning people who have it and making them feel worse than they do.

And quick tip. Don't correct a dyslexic's persons grammar and flipping things out on every comment they do. It makes them feel horrible and they don't want to write in fear of being judged. They, after reading it over and over, will sometimes catch it on their own.

Now I must get onto that chapter.

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