Chapter One

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I woke up, startled by the loud buzzing of my alarm. Summer is officially over! I thought, grudgingly. I stretched, comfortable in my nice, warm bed. Then I remembered it was my first day in 11th grade. I stood up and decided to open up the blinds, inviting the sunshine in my room. I looked outside at the bright pink sky for several minutes, sighing. Fall would be here soon, taking away the beautiful color of the sky at dawn. I broke out of my rêverie and rushed downstairs to get my breakfast ready. When I got there, I was surprised to see my mother cooking. She usually doesn't get up until later.

"Good morning, honey! I'm making you some breakfast." she whispered.

"Thanks mom, but you didn't have to. I usually just grab a bowl of cereal or some toast."

I smiled and hugged her tightly. She looked me over, stopping as she saw my pajama.

"You're not even dressed yet, Serena! Go put on something quickly!" she exclaimed.

I looked at her confused, then remembered that it was the first day of school. As soon as I was upstairs, I rummaged through my closet. Should I go stylish or casual? I decided to go with both so I put on a white sleeveless mini-dress. The dress was tight, yet I was satisfied because it made my hips and legs look good. I came back downstairs and my mother gave me a look of warning.

"Honey, you're going to get unwanted attention if you wear things like that!"

I blushed lightly and sat down in front of the table. The food looked and smelled delicious. I took a bite and my thoughts were confirmed. Then, I heard feet rushing down the stairs. My adopted baby brother, Josiah, appeared in his blue pyjamas. When he saw me, a huge smile broke upon his face and the toddler ran over to hug me.

"Serena, Serena! Will you play with me before you go?" he said with a slight lisp.

"I can't, Josiah. Sorry, but I really have to get going to school."

He pouted, but nonetheless came to sit on my lap while I ate my pancakes. Afterwards, I headed back upstairs to get the remaining of my school preparation done. As I brushed my hair, I stared into the mirror wondering why girls seemed to get jealous about my looks constantly. I had hazelnut brown eyes, long dark eyelashes that didn't require any mascara and high cheekbones. Perhaps that could have been why. I brushed out my smooth, wavy brown hair and decided to let it loose for today. My mother believed that when you had hair that went down to your waist like I did, you should tie it up. I then walked downstairs and proceeded to putting on my short, black leather boots. I headed out the door to meet my friend at the corner of the road. We walked together because I disliked driving my car to the school when it was just a few minutes away. It saved money on gas and was echo-friendly. Rachel greeted me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Ray! How are you?" I asked.

"Great, I love your dress! You look so good in it." Rachel replied.

"Thanks..." I said with a shy smile. "By the way, I love your outfit. Did you get that for your birthday?"

"Yeah! And Jennifer should be coming here any minute." she added.

And as guessed, Jennifer appeared in front of us, looking stunning in her pale blue minidress.

"Oh Jen, you're so pretty! You should wear that dress more often." I praised.
"Thanks, we should get going!"

As we walked, we discussed the things we had done this summer and what classes we had this semester.

"I have Grammar, Science, Gym and Technology this semester. What do you have?" I asked Jen.

When A Teacher Falls For His Student (Student/teacher love story)Where stories live. Discover now