Chapter Three

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The next day, I headed to school very late. As I rushed into my Technology class, the teacher scolded me for this.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I promise it won't happen again, sir!" I said calmly.

Jen could see that I was tense and couldn't figure out why. I told her that I simply hadn't slept well last night. She believed me and didn't pressure me for answers. What would I be able to answer anyway? As we headed to Gym, decided I wouldn't sit out again. I gave it my all, hoping that it would distract me from Mr. Grant. It did for a while. Gym passed by in a blur and it was lunch. I met with my friends out in the school yard but this time, we sat under a tree. The shade made my skin feel cooler, which was quite a relief compared to the burning sensation I usually had. I can't lie and say I didn't await Mr. Grant anxiously. I heard the front door of the school close and turned around to see the man himself. Our eyes locked. He smiled at me warmly and waved. I returned the gesture and smiled stupidly. I could feel the color rising on my face. Stop blushing, Serena. You don't like him! I scolded myself. He then walked over to his car and the moment was over.

"Who were you waving to?" Jen asked curiously.

"Mr. Grant..." I replied calmly.

"Oh. Speaking of which, we have Science next, right?"

I nodded. I had already memorized when we had Science. I don't look forward to it. I tried convincing myself with little success.
Before long, it was time to head to class. Gathering my books, I checked my hair in the small mirror that hung inside my locker. I look like death, rolled over, I thought. But if I took any longer, I'd be late for class again. I headed to the Science Lab. Mr. Grant stood in the open doorway, greeting the students.

"Hello Serena!" he said cheerfully.

He had called me by my first name, not Miss Tatcher. I felt a surge of joy run through my veins. He's becoming friendlier rather than formal.

"Hello!" I replied while smiling brightly.

He gestured for me to come in the class and I did. I sat down at my usual bench, behind the large, black counters where we did our Science experiments. Mr. Grant started the period by handing out the grades we had gotten on an evaluation we had done recently. Most of the students groaned. I wasn't one of them because I was anxious to see my grade. I thought I had done considerably well. Mr. Grant passed out all of the copies until he only had one remaining. It was mine. Oh no... Did I fail the test? I thought, worried. He walked over to me solemnly. My heart started to race for two reasons. One: he was getting extremely close to me. Two: I did not want him to be disapointed by me.

"Miss Tatcher..." He started as he placed the copy on my desk.

I stared at it in astonishement. In red ink was written a giant A++. I must be dreaming! I thought.

Jennifer stared at me, confusion written upon her face. I tried telling her in sign language what grade I got. Mr. Grant saw what I was doing and laughed. It was the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard.

"She got an A++. Two hundred percent." he told her proudly.

He turned to me and flashed a huge smile.

"Congrats! Keep up the good work!" he encouraged me.

Afterwards, he started explaining today's task. Time flew by as I worked on my assignment. Right before the bell rung, I listened with interest as Mr. Grant explained the homework we had to do tonight. The bell rung and I picked up my binders and started to leave class.

"Serena, may I talk to you before you go?" Mr. Grant asked softly.

I turned around and smiled shyly, my heart beating so loudly I thought anyone would be able to hear it.

"Sure!" I replied as I walked back into the nearly empty classroom.

I then remembered Jen would be waiting for me. Although I didn't think this would take long, I guestured for her to leave without me.

"I'll meet you there!" I mouthed in her direction.

She nodded so I turned towards Mr. Grant. He remained quiet for a while, simply smilling. It was probably at that point that I realized he was rather shy.

"Listen, I..." He hesitated. "Just wanted to tell you congragulations on your test again."

"Thanks. It's probably because of your great teaching skills."

I looked down, embarassed as I realized what I had said. When I looked up, I noticed that I wasn't the only one blushing. I had just witnessed a full-grown man blushing because of a compliment a teenager had given him. You don't see that every day! I thought, surprised.

"Well, I'd better let you get going or else you'll be late for your next class." he told me.

"Alright, well... Have a good evening!" I replied as I left.

I was in a hurry, so I did not hear his reply. All I could think of was how cute he looked when he blushed. I do have a crush on him... And I realized, for the first time, that it was true. I walked through the deserted hallways towards my locker. I felt tense for a reason I could not understand, when I saw Jennifer waiting for me at my locker. I could tell she was curious and, for some reason, I hated the fact that she was.

"What was that all about?" she asked, being nosy.

"Nothing. He just told me I did a good job on my test." I answered honestly.

"Really?" she asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

I sighed.

"Yes. What else did you think it was?"

"I thought maybe you two were... Because you've both been acting... And..." she said with difficulty, stopping halfway through every sentence.

"Ew, no! I don't even want to guess what you thought it was!" I cut her off.

She laughed uneasily.

"Good, I'm happy that you two aren't... You know?"

I shook my head.

"You don't have to worry about that ever happening!" I exclaimed, emphasizing the word "ever".

I didn't feel like telling her what had happened with Mr. Grant because if I did, there would undoubtedly be rumours circulating. We headed silently to our last class. I hoped Jen wasn't too mad at me for yelling at her. I quickly glanced up and saw that my friend was emotionless. Our little fight was easily forgotten because we had some work to do in groups of two. Out of habit, we met up at her desk and were soon chatting away about the school camping trip. I only listened partly until the word "science" caught my attention.

"...three other girls and one boy in my Grammar class. And in Science, there'll be us and two boys. It'll be quiet!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah. But who's replacing all the teachers going to camp?" I asked.

"Oh, all our teachers are staying at school apart from..."

"Is Mr. Grant staying?" I cut her off, anxiously.

Please be staying! Please! I thought feverishly.

"Yes, I think so. Why?" she questioned.

"I was just wondering..." I replied.

She didn't seem to believe me.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strange lately. You keep randomly mentioning Mr. Grant in every conversation..." she explained.

I avoided the question.

"We have to focus on our work." I said as an excuse.

We continued working and eventually, class ended. On the walk back home neither Rachel nor Jennifer asked me questions. I knew quite well that they were suspicious despite the fact that they didn't bombard me with questions.

When A Teacher Falls For His Student (Student/teacher love story)Where stories live. Discover now