Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning, feeling more refreshed than I usually did. It was the first official day of fall so I decided to wear a black chiffon blouse with some skinny jeans and my usual short, black leather boots. I also straightened my hair, which I usually didn't do. I headed downstairs and ate breakfast. After I was completely ready, I headed to the corner of the street to meet up with my friends.

"You straightened your hair! It looks real pretty like that!" Jen exclaimed as soon as she saw me.


We started walking. On the main road, a car stopped to give us the chance to pass. It wasn't until a few seconds later that I recognized the man driving the car. I smiled at Mr. Grant, he returned the smile. I guess he lives around here! I thought, excitedly. Maybe I'd get to see him more often. When we arrived at school, Jen and I headed to Gym class while Ray went to Math. I felt great that day, so I had no trouble jogging rapidly around the gym. Jen struggled to catch up.

"Hey... Wait up!" she said, catching her breath.

I slowed down.

"Sorry, do you want me to go slower?" I asked.

She nodded and gasped.

"Yes please!"

Pretty soon, we were going at the same pace. I checked the clock to see how much longer the period would last and cursed silently.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Jen inquired.

"Nope. I didn't..." I replied.

I felt like laughing but managed to remain serious. The class seemed to go by slowly... Or it could have been that I was anxious to go to Science class. I headed to my next class which was Technology. We had already started making a 3D plan for a wooden birdhouse that we would build in the workshop and were now completing it. I showed Jennifer my design and she gave me a few recommendations, which I followed gladly. Jennifer was really good at building things with wood. She helped out her dad who owned a woodshop. After what felt like years, Jen and I met Sher and Ray at our lockers.We headed to our usual table and had a pleasant lunch. It was getting colder, so we had light jackets on. We chattered animatedly and did silly things. I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed so much! We dared Sherry to stand up on a picnic table and sing Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus dramatically. She did and it was hilarious! People stared at her as though she had lost her mind and a boy who was a year older than us joined in the song. He purposely made his voice sound awful to try and make the girls outside laugh. I couldn't stop giggling. The fun was ended by the school bell ringing. I headed inside with my friends, reminding myself that I only had to wait one more class before Science. I went to my Grammar class where Mrs. Ramsay greeted me warmly. I smiled and sat at my desk. I started reading Romeo and Juliet. I adored the way people spoke in the Elizabethan era and I felt that I resembled Juliet. I was trapped deep within the story until Mrs. Ramsay reminded me that the bell had rung. I thanked her quickly while picking up my binders and ran to my locker. I brushed my hair eagerly and put on my cherry-scented lip balm. I checked my hair in my small mirror and headed to the Science Lab. Mr. Grant stood at the door just as he usually did, greeting students. I didn't know whether or not it was just my imagination, but the smile he gave me seemed the warmest.

"Hello Serena! How are you today?" he asked.

"I'm good, and how are you?"

"Also good, thanks. Because most of the class is missing, I figured we'd take it easy. So I have a bunch of science experiments ready to show you."

"Cool! Sounds fun!" I replied, honestly.

He smiled, satisfied by my response. I entered the class and sat next to Jen. Because we were only four, we had permission to sit with our friends. The science teacher took out the material he needed while us students chatted. Once he was ready, he got our attention and explained that he would place a tiny piece of potassium into a cup of water. Because potassium reacts very strongly to water, he had to keep us at a distance. As I put on my safety goggles, I felt slightly worried for Mr. Grant. He knew what he was doing but there was always a possibility that it would backfire on him. Jennifer and I headed to the back of the class, joined by two boys. The reaction water caused on potassium was awesome! I looked at it, awestruck, as it emitted sparks. Mr. Grant also tried putting calcium and the reaction was smaller.

When A Teacher Falls For His Student (Student/teacher love story)Where stories live. Discover now