Chapter Seven

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A week went by and Nick acted very strange. He either ignored me or was very cold and distant. He started calling me Mrs. Tatcher again and ignored all of my text messages. During that week, my friends worried over me because I cried a lot and sometimes skipped lunch. I never gave up and went to see him before Science but he just ignored me. One day, I came in and saw him crying silently. He was usually tough so I knew it must be something pretty bad. I came over to him and placed my hand gently on his shoulder. He didn't look up, he just froze.

"What happened, Nick?" I asked, anxious.

"Nothing, don't worry! And we're at school so you must address me as Mr. Grant." he said in an effort to be cold.
I started walking away.

"Serena, please don't go..." he said gently.

I stayed and he got up. I wrapped my arms around his waist and soon he was moving my arms. I thought he was going to push me away, but no. Instead, he placed my arms around his neck and wrapped his around my waist. He looked down at me.

"Serena, how can you not be mad at me?" he asked. " I've been ignoring you all week."


He looked me in the eyes. And I felt now was the time to tell him the truth.

"Nick... I'm in love with you!" I finished.

He pulled away, looking nervous.

"Serena, you aren't! It's just a school girl crush! It'll pass, I know!"

"I doubt it will because I love you for being you! You're perfect to me!" I exclaimed.

"Nobody is perfect and this is nonsense! You barely know me! And I'm your teacher! The law is against us being together!"

And then it dawned on me. He didn't care that much about me. He wasn't into me like I was into him. I left, running, as tears streamed down my face. I heard him yell my name behind me.

It was finally the weekend that I had been looking forward to. I was going to tell Nick that it was alright if we were just friends, I knew now that was what he wanted all along. Just a friend. I put on my black, ruffle cardigan and some skinny jeans, brushed my hair until it was smooth and tied it in a low bun. I had already told my mother that I was going to the theater with Jennifer so that she wouldn't worry. I walked over to Nick's place. As I arrived at his door, I hesitated before knocking. What if the plans to go zip-lining have changed because of Friday? I stood there, waiting, unsure what to do until he opened the door.

"Serena! I didn't think you'd still be coming!" he exclaimed.

"Listen, I'm sorry about Friday. I overreacted."

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything! You were just a bit confused, that's all."

Friday was soon forgotten as we left the house in his car.

"Do you like listening to the radio while driving?" he asked me.
I nodded.

"I usually listen to Majic 100 or The New Hot 89.9."

"Cool, me too!" he said, surprised.

He turned on the radio and Mirrors by Justin Timberlake was playing.

"Cause I don't wanna lose you now, I'm lookin' right at the other half of me..." Nick sung.

I joined in and he smiled, still focusing on the road. Our voices harmonized quite well even though, admittedly, his voice lacked practice and mine confidence.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very talented at singing? he asked.

"You'd make a fantastic singer."

I blushed.

"Thank you. I used to take singing lessons..."

It wasn't long before we arrived. It was a wide field, with barely any people. We headed to the giant, purple hot air balloon. A man greeted us at the entrance of the wicker basket. Nick handed him some money and he opened the entrance. I walked in, feeling very nervous.

"You know, it's not too late to turn around. If you're too scared..." Nick whispered in my ear.

"No, I'm going to do it!"

He stood next to me and I felt a surge of relief. As we started to lift off, I lost my balance. Nick placed his arm around my waist to steady me. The blue sky was beautiful, admittedly not as much as his eyes. I looked at the clouds that seemed to have thinned out. I felt like I could reach out my hand and catch them. I ventured out to look at the ground. What I saw could not be described with words! It was so wonderful! Through the corner of my eyes, I saw Nicholas staring at me. I turned around to look at him and he blushed slightly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, visibly uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'm glad I decided to come. Or I would have missed out on all this!"
It felt like a dream.

"Serena, I have a confession to make..." he started.

I had not been expecting that.

"It's about what you said that Friday two weeks ago."

I couldn't remember what he was talking about.


He sighed then gave up.

"I can't take it anymore! I'm in love with you, I've been from the very start! I've been lying to myself and to you by saying that I wasn't."

I froze, unsure whether I had just imagined this or not. He is in love with me?

"We can't be together... That's why I was crying Friday. I can't live without you now!" he exclaimed.

I met his gaze and tried to make him understand that we'd figure something out. Suddenly, he cupped his hands around my face. Our lips met and we kissed passionately. Nick was so gentle with me, as though he was afraid that I'd break or disappear at any second. The intensity of the kiss rose. I yearned for more and his lips curved into a playful smile. Slowly and gently, we pulled away from each other.

"Not quite yet..." he whispered.

I had just then remembered that there was someone else with us, the pilot. He hadn't said anything, so I hoped he wouldn't report this to the police. Nick held my hand for the remaining of the hot air balloon ride. I knew I'd remember this moment until the day I'd die. The ride ended soon and Nicholas and I headed to his car. I was getting a bit cold, so he put his jacket around my shoulders. It was nearly midnight and I fell asleep in the car. Someone shook my shoulder gently. I woke up and it was Nick. He had driven me home to save me walking.

"You better get going before your mother starts to worry."

"But I want to stay with you!" I protested.

"You can't tonight, you told your mom you were coming back. Maybe some other night..."

I smiled sleepily. I thanked him and gently planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Serena? If possible, can you come see me before the first class on Monday?"

I nodded.

"See you in two days, then!" I said, regretfully.

"It's not that long! You make it sound like a lifetime." he joked.

I got out of the car and waved as he left. How will I act normally at school now?

When A Teacher Falls For His Student (Student/teacher love story)Where stories live. Discover now