Chapter Two

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For the next two weeks or so, I went to school and nothing really special happened. Rachel had a crush on this boy she had met in her Math. class, we hung out more often with Sherry, but that was pretty much it. Until one day, in Science class, we had to do this experiment. Mr. Grant was going to evaluate how we proceeded in checking how inflammable some samples of different kinds of earth were: such as compost and dark soil. Jen and I were in a group. She set up the Bunsen burner while I placed the samples of earth in the melting pots.

"Can you go get those claw-thingys, please?" she asked me.

"You mean Universal Pliers." I corrected her.

"Whatever, nerd." she teased me.

I placed a hand on my heart and gasped.

"You hurt my feelings!" I said.

"Geez, someone takes drama too seriously!"

We both laughed. I returned with a pair of Universal Pliers just as Mr. Grant came over to evaluate us.

"Do you girls have all the material you need?" he asked.

"Yes sir." Jen replied. "Would you like to do the honours, Serena?"

I suddenly felt a knot build up in my throat. I hadn't used a Bunsen burner for a while and had always feared fire. What if I mess up and do something wrong? Will I burn something? Or worse, someone?

"Sure..." I said, still uncertain.

I made sure the burner was in a good position and turned the tap. Soon, the burner started letting out a medium amount of gas. I then lit up a match and placed it over the burner. For a while, I was frozen on spot, trying to figure out what I had to do next. I forgot my hand was right over the flame.

"Miss Tatcher? You should take your hand out of the flame! You're going to burn it!"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Mr. Grant's anxious voice. I yanked my hand away letting out a small yelp.

"Did you burn your hand?" he asked.

I could hear it in his voice that he was worried that I had. Subconciously, I hid my hand behind my back. I was not sure whether or not I had indeed burnt it but I did not want to stress him out any further.

"No, I didn't. It's alright. I should've been more careful."

"Are you sure?" he asked, visibly still worried.


"Let me see it." he said as he grabbed hold of my hand.

His gentle touch made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I scolded myself for finding it pleasant the way my teacher was touching my hand ever so softly. All I wanted to do now was tell him that everything was alright and kiss him. I wanted to spend all of eternity with this gentle man, this angel. I wanted him. Badly. Suddenly, our eyes met. My heart pounded loudly in my chest. He is holding my hand and looking in my eyes... He is my teacher, I thought, sadness filling me up. Those few seconds, I had felt this link deep within me. I was also under the impression he had felt it too. As though I had found the missing part of me. The bell rung, and I headed out of the classroom. I felt very ashamed of myself. At the door, Mr. Grant did not wish me a good afternoon as he usually did. We avoided each other's gaze, although I knew that, somehow, I had affected him for his face seemed to have a certain glow to it. I headed rather distractedly to the cafeteria and met up with Jen, Ray and Sher.

"Hey Serena!" Ray greeted me.

Sher smiled at me but Jen gave me a wary look.

"Hey!" I replied.

We headed out to the picnic area and sat at the usual spot. I started eating and conversations flew straight past me.

"Serena? Serena? Are you listening to me?" Jen asked, slightly annoyed.

I mumbled distantly.

"Do you even know what we are talking about?"

"Um... Well... Not really..." I replied distractedly.

She looked at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. And that's when I saw him. Mr. Grant got into his car and drove away. I guessed that he was either headed home for his lunch break or out to a restaurant. I forced myself to stop staring and joined the girls in their conversation.

"Are you going to the school camping trip?" Sherry asked me.

"No, I haven't saved up enough money for it."

"Oh. That sucks! Although, the people who went there last year said it was boring."

The lunch bell rang. We picked up our stuff and headed to our next classes. In Grammar, I couldn't concentrate. This is stupid. I think I have a crush on Mr. Grant! In Gym, I asked Mrs. Barry if I could sit out because I had a headache. It was partially true. I didn't feel well enough to be running around, surrounded by sweaty and complaining girls. I felt slightly nauseous so I laid down on one of the benches in the change rooms. When Gym was over, Jen, Ray and I headed back home. They convinced me to rest as soon as I got home. And that was exactly what I did.

When A Teacher Falls For His Student (Student/teacher love story)Where stories live. Discover now