Chapter Six

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A few minutes later he arrived and waited for me to open the door because I had told him not to ring the doorbell. Josiah was sleeping and we didn't want to wake him up. I quickly showed him around the house and then offered for us to watch a movie.

"We don't have many choices but choose whatever seems best to you." I said.

He looked, hesitantly at the pile of movies then asked if I minded watching a horror movie. I told him that I didn't.

"I'll go put it in the Blu-Ray player. You can sit down." he offered.

I did and when he sat next to me, I was quite aware of the proximity between us. As horror movies go, this one wasn't the best I had seen. It wasn't even scary. Or at least that was what I thought until cannibals started ripping off arms and legs from the other humans. I jumped and started shaking when one of them popped out of nowhere. Nick noticed and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Did that scare you?" he asked, under his breath.

"A little bit..." I admitted.

He leaned a bit closer to me. During the movie he still kept his arm around my shoulder. I observed his face, memorizing the outline of his eyes, his cheekbones, and finally his lips. I heard a crack and Nick looked at me, tensing up. It was only Josiah.

"I can't sleep Serena." he said.

I was glad he hadn't noticed Nick yet.

"Do you want me to sing you another lullaby?"

"No thanks." he replied.

Before I could stop him, he climbed down the stairs and saw Nick.

"Are you here to play with me?" Josiah asked him.

Nicholas smiled and bent down at Josiah's height.

"It depends if your sister wants me to."

He looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"I guess."

Josiah grabbed Nick's hand and started dragging him to the living room.

"You don't mind playing with him, do you?" I whispered.

"No, I enjoy being around young children." he answered.

"Another point we have in common!"

We played a game of hide and seek. Nick and I had to look for Josiah.

"Josiah, where are you?" I asked.

We both knew perfectly well where he was but pretended not to. Josiah giggled behind the curtains. We slowly headed there. I opened the curtains.

"Boo!" I yelled.

He screamed and then started laughing. He ran away while Nick chased him. I stood, simply watching as Nick caught Josiah and started tickling him.

"I got you!" he said.

The toddler laughed even louder. Those two were adorable when they played together. I smiled, happy that they got along. Josiah got away from Nicholas so I started chasing him. As soon as I was near Josiah, I started tickling him and again, he laughed.

"Help... Help!" he pleaded halfway through laughter.

"I'll save you!" Nick exclaimed, acting like a superhero to make Josiah happy.

I rolled my eyes but laughed, nonetheless. It was hilarious watching Nick act like a kid and he was older than me! Nick walked up to me and started to tickle me.

"Hey!" I objected before starting to laugh. "I thought we were a team!"

"Not anymore!" he said.

I giggled as Nick tickled me. I tried to protest but then somehow ended up laying on the couch one on top of the other. My hair hung on both sides of his face as I was laying on top of him. We had never been this close. The feeling I had while staring into his eyes was wonderful. We lay there for a while. He gently caressed my hair with the palm of his hand, all the way down to the wavy ends. Suddenly, he jumped as though he had heard something. He gently and slowly pushed me off. His blissful smile was gone, replaced by a cold, distant expression.

"I have to go now. Thank you for your hospitality!" he said, harshly.

The words felt like knives on my skin. A knot formed in my throat and I could not speak. When he opened the door and walked out, I was too shocked to try and stop him. What have I done?

When A Teacher Falls For His Student (Student/teacher love story)Where stories live. Discover now