Titanic ll

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A/N Hey this is, well, may be the longest one I have already written. sorry about any typos.


That night, Kensi heard her phone vibrating. She reached over and looked at the caller ID. It was Deeks.



"Something wrong?"Kensi


"Why are you calling then? Do we have a surprise date?"Kensi

"Only if you call movie night at home a date. Want to come over? Or should I come to your house? Or... Do you just want to relax by yourself?"Deeks

"We can have it where ever."Kensi

"Okay, be over in a sec."Deeks

"Okay, bye, Deeks"Kensi


She hung up the phone while walking into the living room and pulling out 'Titanic'. She smiled to herself, remembering the first time she and Deeks had watched this together.

A few minutes later, Deeks walked in. "What are we watching?" Deeks asked, sitting on Kensi's couch. She walked over and sat beside him on the couch while holding up the case. "Going to get us some popcorn?" She asked Deeks. "Sure, why not?" He said standing up and going towards the kitchen.

Soon the movie was over and Kensi raised her head, which had fallen onto Deeks's chest. Deeks got up, put the movie in the case, and put it up. Then, he grabbed the popcorn bowl to go wash it. As soon as he got into the kitchen, Kensi heard a knock on the door. She opened it and greeted Sam and his children. "Can they stay with you? Michelle and I have to go to a Christmas party and our babysitter has a bad cold." He said, one hand on each of his kids' backs. "Sure, I can watch them until tomorrow." She told him taking the bags from the kids. "Thank you so much. I'll be back to get them in the morning. Sorry I hate to leave so quickly but I need to go. Bye, girls. Give me a hug. I'll see you in the morning." He said leaning down to his children. He walked down the sidewalk and back to his car. Kensi put the girls' bags in the two spare rooms she had. The girls followed her back to the kitchen where Deeks was standing there waiting for Kensi. "Uncle Deeks!" Isabella said running and jumping into his arms. "Hey, Isabella!" He said holding her up and spinning with her. "Hey, Lacy!" He said as he picked Lacy up and hugged her. "Want to watch tv?" Deeks asked while walking into Kensi's living room. The girls sat on The couch and Deeks put a blanket over them. Kensi turned on Loony Tunes and set the remote down. She walked to one of her guest rooms, being followed by Deeks. When they got into the first room, Kensi started fixing the bed. "So, I guess I'm gonna go now since... Well, you only have three beds and... Well , the girls are gonna take up two and... You'll sleep in the other so..." Deeks tried to think of other things to say but he couldn't. "I can't handle them alone, Deeks, and you know that. I need you to stay." Kensi said, turning and looking at Deeks who had made his way back to the door to the room. "I can't sleep on the floor, and ... Well, just to be honest, your couch isn't to comfy either." Deeks told her. "You can sleep in my bed." Kensi said shrugging her shoulders. "Where will you go?" Deeks asked turning and walking to the next room with Kensi as she went to go fix the bed. "I figure I'd sleep in my bed." She said turning and looking at him when she finished fixing the bed. "Are you sure, Kens?" Deeks asked obviously a little worried. "Yes, Deeks." She said walking out of the guest room and heading for her room. "You're complaining about my couch and saying you don't want to sleep on my floor... I don't blame you for not wanting to sleep on the floor... I need your help with the girls and we are dating. We've known each other for what? 3, 4 years?" Kensi said reaching her bedroom and stopping while finishing, "Yes Deeks, I'm fine with it." She closed the door to change into pajamas. She came out with one of Deeks's old LAPD shirts on and pajama pants. She handed Deeks a pair of his pajamas that he had left at her house. He went into her room closed the door and changed. When he came out, they went back to the living room. "How about you girls go and change into your pjs and come back and me and Uncle Deeks will tell you a story." Okay!" Isabella said jumping off the couch and running to her room. "Yeah!" Lacy said skipping after her sister.

After they got back, they sat down on the couch between Deeks and Kensi. "Okay, so, once upon a time there was a princess. Her name was Sophia. She lived way up on her castle. One night, she snuck out of the castle because she was tired of being stuck in the castle. She was wondering around in a forest but then she got lost." She started the story. Hearing that the princess was lost brought gasps from both of the girls. "Soon, she came across a beach. It was the most beautiful beach she had ever seen. Where the sky met the ocean in the far distance and the sky was a light blue. The sun was so bright there. The waves were a beautiful, magnificent blue. She went out and sat on the sand close to the water, making sure she didn't get to close so she didn't get wet. She sat there until the sun was setting and the sky was painted in brilliant blues and magnificent magentas. Seeing the lonely princess, a man walked over and sat down beside her. 'What are you doing this far away from the kingdom?' He asked. 'I got lost in a forest and found this place. Can you help me get back?' She replied. 'Sure.'the man said standing up and offering the princess his hand. She took it and got up. They walked to the forest, hand in hand. The forest was very dangerous at night so the man was determined to take care of the princess." The girls were now fighting sleep, trying to hear the end of the story but finally gave in. Deeks picked up Lacy and carried her to her room. Kensi picked up Isabella and carried her into her room. She sat on the side of the bed as Isabella woke up a little. "Go to sleep. You need some rest." Kensi said in a soft, soothing voice. She stroked Isabella's hair as she fell back into a deep sleep. Deeks was standing at the door, watching Kensi and thinking about how good of a mother she would be. Kensi stood up slowly, quietly walking away from the bed and out the door. She walked into her bedroom, Deeks close behind. She went to the bathroom attached to her bedroom and started brushing her teeth. She handed Deeks a toothbrush that had never even been opened before. She went and lied down in her bed as Deeks finished brushing his teeth.

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