The Library Scene

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Chapter 7-

"How long do you plan on staying here?" Lizzy asked, raising my gaze from my book I looked at my best friend who sat in front of me in a rather uncomfortable position her arms folded as her head tilted a bit on the left side with her eyes narrowed.

"Not untill I finish making notes for the next week's text" I said looking back at the book again, lifting it as showing her the cover which said 'Fun with Geometry'.

Lizzy just snorted in response as she rolled her eyes, taking out her phone from her bag as she started tapping furiously on her phone, maybe she was texting someone um Caylee or maybe that douche Max.

Shaking my head I looked back on my book, concentrating on the surface are of a hexagon.
Fun? Yeah right, how can studying these ugly-shaped desingns be fun?

Geometry was not one of my best subjects, and even though the I found it totally boring and even if the test was next week still it wasn't worth failing. I had never failed in any subject before I would like to keep my record clean.

"This is so booring" Lizzy announced out of the blue, surprising not only me but also every other person sitting in the library including Mrs Winch who turned her oh-not-so-subtle expression towards eyes. Giving us her stern glances. I gulped nervously as I shook my head vigiously looking at her like trying to apologise, she aknowledged my apology my nodding once as she turned to look at my so-dear-friend ,who just ignored her rolling her eyes looking at me raising an eyebrow with a slight smirk on her face.

I just decided to ignore her, she'd do nothing but cause more touble. I got up from my chair a few moments later walking to the back of the library to the mathamatical section, where Lizzy followed me too like a lost puppy.

Looking around at the heaps of book, I finally smiled in relief when I finally found the book I was looking for. Extending my hand up in the air, I stood on my toes like a ballet dancer as I tried to grab hold of the book after a few more futile attempts and cursing my height I turned back to face my best friend who was standing there leaning against the wall watching me with an amused expression on her face as she fiddled with her 'Best Friends' braclet that I had gifted her last year on her birthday.

I pouted looking at her as I gave her a pleading expression. She just chuckled in response as she walked to me.

"It is quite funny you know" She said in a very low voice, we were in mood of dealing with Mrs Winch's wrath even Lizzy knew that.

I gave her puzzled expression narrowing my eyes.

"You know, you're a guy" She said pausing for a moment as narrowed her gaze looking at me from top to bottom as if examining me as I gave her the same confused expression looking at her like she was crazy and at the same time giving her the 'duh' face. Of course I was the guy, what did she mean.

She might have saw my face because she just chuckled quite amused by god knows what as she shook her head "You're still a whole 4 inches shorter than me" She said moving back again, looking me with a amused grin plastered on her face.
Not again.

Lizzy had always found it amusing to tease me about my height. I mean I knew I was short, but you never call a blind person blind. It's bad manners.

Plus, I think she was just too tall. I mean almost every girl in the school including Caylee was almost my height.

Normal girls a never so tall, and Lizzy by no means was normal.

But whatever theories I had in mind, it pissed me off when someone teased me about my height. I cursed under my breath as I stomped my foot on the ground, walking to the bookshelf again.

I looked around trying to find a ladder, but it was nowhere to be found. There was no need to ask Mrs Winch, she'd just ask me to come some other time for the book, but I needed it now.

My gaze my Lizzy's who just stood a few steps away from me as she smirked looking at me.

I would do it without her help! Looking up at the book with a determined look I looked around only to find an old wooden stool in the corner of the room. Qucikly holding it, I lifted it from there to the near the bookshelf placing it down.Taking a deep breath I slowly kept my one feet on it doing the same with the other as I lifted myself up, using my super-flexible toe's.

My fingers had just touch the back off my book, suddenly when I felt the stool shake a bit. Loosing my balance the very next moment I found myself flying in the air, letting out a shriek.

A couple of seconds later when my sweet butt didn't meet the hard floor I slowly opened my eyes to meet a pair of blue eyes that I knew I could recognize anywhere.

"You're quite heavy you know, even when you're so small" Lizzy commented. A slight devious smile formed on her lips.

I just groaned on annoyance as I slowly stood up back frowning as I looked around noticing my little shriek had caused every living being in the library to stare at us.

Smiling sheepishly I gave Mrs Winch an apologetic look, but she just gave me an ice-cold glare.
Talking my cue to exit the library I decided walking away was the best option, I was about to leave when a heavy,fat book landed on my head.

I let out a loud gasp, as I instantly covered my mouth. Looking down at the book I sighed. It said 'Fun with geometry'.

Oh yeah joy!

"Great we can go now!" Lizzie announced in a chipy voice as he started walking out. Rolling my eyes I walked forward towards the hallways.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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