Masky's Illness (Hoodie's perspective)

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Hoodie had been searching the woods by following the older trails. Most of the clearings he went trough have been shrouded by the new trees that have sprouted there years ago. No signs of Masky. It had been at least two days since the incident, hoodie was getting extremely worried about Masky. He had set up a small tent and a small hole for a campfire. The fire was lit up and he was relaxing. Hoodie was drawing in the Dirt a small relative map of the forest. He makes a large circle about 3 miles in diameter. That of course is what he hasn't explored yet. He lets out a soft sigh and hugs Masky' hoodie close.

"Cmon.. cmon.. just give me a damn sign.." he said to himself. He was upset and angry at himself. He looked at the fire and noticed a very slight breeze. He ignored it and poked at the fire to keep it going. After a few moments a large gust of wind blew the campfire out and toppled him over, he looked up and around trying to figure out what could have caused the surge of wind. Instead of finding the source, he spotted a small pond.

"Somewhere to get a drink at least.." he started his way towards the water. It was a crystal clear lake with gravel and stone lining the bottom, it led down a underground river. And where it came from was a small but elegant waterfall neatly tucked under some roots. He smiles the sight made him think of Masky. "When I find Masky I have to bring hi.. her here at some point." He chuckles nervously and sighed, "gotta get used to that." He scoops up some water and splashes it against the back of his neck. He sighs and looks up, and spots something lying in the grass.

"MASKY!" He runs over to Masky who is still passed out. He gently raises her up and feels her forehead. She was burning up. He looked around for something and grabbed a small but sturdy branch, he uses it to help himself up and carefully carry Masky over to the camp. He sets her down in the tent on his sleeping bag. He grabs a cloth and rushes to the stream, dipping it in. The water was cool. He hurries back to her and places it neatly on her forehead. He covers her up gently and holds her hand.

"Yeah, no. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Ever again." He kisses her cheek and sits against a small post on the side of the tent, he zips up the tent and smiles. "G'night masky, I'll be right here."

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