The Trip Back (Masky)

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I could feel the cold brisk wind trickling down the back of my neck, making the hairs in the back of my neck stand on end. The blanket that I had wrapped around me was light and didn't hold heat well. The hoodie that I had on, which was hoodies old one had some holes in the sides that let the wind go through. My body begins to shiver as I slowly open my eyes. My whole body is overcome with a great pain that is emanating from my right arm and right leg. The pain greatly increases when I try to move, I gasp with pain and roll. Putting my face in the pillow, which wasn't very comfortable either. Felt like I had my head against a bag of rocks, or was that just because of my splitting migraine. I can't tell. I slowly and carefully reach my left arm over to my right and gingerly touch it. I gasp out in pain and bite the pillow to stop myself from yelling. My arm was in such immense pain that I could have sworn that it was fractured in multiple places. Though it's probably just broken and I'm feeling much more of the pain because of the fact I haven't eaten or got anything to drink for a few days. I slowly and painfully sit myself up to look around. The first thing I notice was that of the missing hoodie. Was he really there last night? It must be. I mean I'm in his tent. In his bed, or at least what you could call a bed at the time. I look towards the entrance to the tent and a feeling of great dread overwhelms me. The zipper was open. Hoodie left, he left and didn't close the tent. Two things ran through my mind. One was he might just be nearby and just collecting firewood. The second.. was that he left.. and he isn't coming back..

After almost ten minutes I was able to stand and exit the tent. A small snowdrift must have happened last night, the ground and trees were speckled with white fluffy powder. Everything seemed surreal, too surreal. Am I dreaming? No I can't be. The pain is to great in my limbs. I look down at the small fire pit. The smoldering ashes from last night have cooled and were coated in a small bit of snow. Hoodie would have at least tried to get this running again -- if not for me -- for himself to keep warm. Why is this happening, why would he just off and leave? My eyes start to water. no I shouldn't lie. My eyes started to well up with tears. I sniffle as I slowly take in the facts. He abandoned me.

Little I didn't realize hoodie was actually just around the corner trying to find dry wood. He comes from behind the tent, I don't hear his footsteps against the soft earth. He looks up and sees me. "Masky! You shouldn't be up!" His voice was full of worry. I turn fast too try to look at him. Maybe a little too fast as I step wrong. My leg surges with pain. My knee cripples from the pain and I start to fall. Luckily for me hoodie is faster than I thought. He catches me and sets me down gently.

"Masky you shouldn't be up. Both your arm and your leg are broken. I just messaged slender using your phone. He is bringing the truck down the old trail. He knows where we are.", while he is explaining all of this to me he is also wrapping my leg. He slides a few sturdy sticks into the makeshift splint he is creating. I wince at the pain but smile and wipe at my eyes. He didn't just off and leave. He was off trying to get reception. That's why he was gone for so long. He finishes with the splint and starts examining my arm. He doesn't get long as I wrap both of my arms around him and push my face into his neck. He jumps at the surprise hug but smiles and wraps his arms across my back. "I'm sorry honey, I should have left a note. You were probably worried about me."

"Probably?!" I giggle happily and holds him a bit tighter, ignoring my pain, "Probably I won't kill you for this. You made me think you abandoned me!"

Hoodie growled and flicks my forehead gently, it didn't help my headache but I forgave him. He did this often when I do or say something stupid. "Excuse me? Abandon you? After what I said last night? Oh hell no. Not in your lifetime. I'll put a chip in your hoodie just so I can know where you were if I could! Your mine and mine only. I love you and only you. Regardless if you are a boy or a girl. You are Masky. My Masky!"

I giggle while he's talking, letting him hear my laughter for once. Once he was done I kiss him. Not just a peck like before. A good kiss, deep enough for him to realize how much he really means to me. He jumps for a moment due to surprise but doesn't hesitate at all to kiss back. Heck I think his kiss was deeper than mine.

It wasn't long before we heard the truck coming. Jane was in the passenger seat. She saw us and jumped out. She ran over and hugged both of us. She slugged hoodie shoulder and started yelling. Just like a protective best friend should be, "why did you let her out of your sight! She's hurt! Did you do this hoodie?! I'll kick your ass!" She then turns to me and kisses my forehead, she didn't have her makeup on but she didn't care. She must have deemed me more important than her looks. "Cmon Tina. Let's go home"

"I already am" I say as I hold hoodies hand. I look up and see hoodie baffled at my name, the first time he heard my true name.

"Tina? Oh wow that is a cute name! I knew it had to be cute!"

We both glare at him playfully. Me and Jane both say the same thing, "hoodie, shut up"

Jane helps me into the back of the truck and stays with me and hoodie to make sure I didn't move much. The trip back was bumpy and Jane kept yelling and arguing with slender about the bumps. I just lied back in hoodies chest and laughed. Finally. I believe I actually feel at home where I belong. With everyone. I look up at hoodie who was looking at the road ahead. His smile showed it all. I'm stuck with this cutie. And I couldn't be happier about it.

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