The Memory of an Injury

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The days were quiet in the mansion. Sometimes there would be a silent hustle between work shifts. Other times there would be an eery silence descended on the house like a blanket or a web. I was finally able to walk around the house the other day. Every step I took outside of the room was like nails on a chalkboard. The squeak of the floorboards was a new sound to my ears. It was never this quiet. It is not like something is wrong or anything. Everyone is out at work doing their daily tasks or patrolling the borders of the woods for any traps or threats. Even the Tall man himself was outside in the greenhouse. He had been spending a lot of time out there ever since he found... Well, something. he wouldn't ever let anyone close enough or even inside to find out for themselves what it was.

I asked for a shift on patrol or groceries but Slender did not want to see me injured. so he gave me a different type of task. At first, I was confused until Sally wrapped a pink fluffy boa around my neck. Usually Slender would play with Sally until it was her evening naptime but since his discovery in the greenhouse, he has not had enough time to play with her. So I agreed and followed Sally into her room. She pulled out costumes and different boas and crowns. she showed me her stuffed animals and told me each of their names. 

Now that I'm sitting here I start to think. Not about what type of tea Mr. Snuffles is drinking or whether or not Mrs. Pixie is wearing the right tiara or not. I was thinking about Hoodie. We have always been a Sort of "Dynamic Duo" or something in those lines but now that he knows who I am and that we are together I start to think. If we got married... I blush dark and quickly shake that embarrassing thought out of my head. It was a long time before I realized Sally was talking to me. Flustered, I turn to the girl.

"Huh? S-sorry I kinda spaced out there." I sputter out. Not knowing how long she had been talking or watching me.

"Are you alright Masky? You spaced out for a while now. Were you thinking about Hoodie just then?" Her little voice sounded worried but then got excited when she asked me as if reading my mind.

"U-Uh. No, I w-wasn't!" My voice unintentionally broke.

Sally smirks. I never could think of this little girl as Devilish but something about that smirk just screamed Trouble. She giggles and stands up. "You wanna see the pictures I got of him? I take pictures of people when they aren't paying attention! Daddy lets me! I got a whole scrapbook!"

I shake my head and sighs. "You're too sneaky for your own good," I tell her. "Your gonna get yourself into a lot of trouble one of these days"

"I know!" She exclaims as she Crawls under her bed. she wiggled back out holding a large three-ring binder that was as thick as some Harry Potter Books. Sally opens it up and on the sides of the pages are little notes with everyone's names on them. including mine! She flips to Hoodie's Section and hands me the book. the first photo was one of Me and Hoodie. My mask was Broken on the bottom and hoodie was helping me up out of the mud. I remember that day like it was last week. 

On that rainy day, Hoodie and I were commissioned to take care of a wolf den that threatened the home. It was Downpouring and Jeff and Jane had gotten lost and were too late getting to the left flank. Three wolves surged from the den and surprising speed. My neck cracked back in whiplash as two of them hit me hard. I was on the ground with a Wolf attached to my right arm and another attached to my right leg. Hoodie had been knocked down but had managed to get his wolf off first. he had run over and smacked the one off of my arm with the butt of the hunting rifle and shot the one on my leg. it had turned out the one on my leg was the alpha. when the alpha had fallen the other wolves had fled in terror. I lied there as the pain from the wounds surged through my body. Hoodie grabbed my arm and picked me up. he loaded me into the truck and we rushed home. As he was unloading me he noticed my mask was damaged. He went to take it off of me and at that moment he heard me sniffling. I was crying. Not just crying but Bawling my eyes out. He decided to leave the mask on so that I wouldn't get embarrassed. Sally had somehow managed to get a picture.

I think after that day Hoodie had started to respect me more. 

I let out a soft chuckle. "...and look at us now. In love and Inseparable." I say softly. mostly to myself.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me and hold me close. I jump and elbow hoodie in the shoulder. he chuckles and puts his chin on my head. "Ouch. Add in pain to that little list why don't you." he says before he sits down behind me and pulls me into his lap. holding me with a loving embrace.

Sally takes a picture and smiles. she looks at hoodie and winks "I'll pour another cup of tea!"

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