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September 25th, 2016

Camila successfully avoids Dinah for the main part of the weekend, making the excuse of homework to stay cooped up in her house. She's kind of regretting pretending to be this universe's Camila. She knows that if she gets one thing wrong, Dinah will know instantly, and that's a lot of pressure.

So, she decides to go over to Ally's. Ally won't know anything is up with her, and it'd be nice to get some human interaction today. She asks to borrow Sinu's car, and drives over to Ally's apartment, hoping that she's actually there, since she hadn't texted.

(Apparently this world's Camila likes to make up dumb names for her contacts, and Camila has only managed to decipher a couple.)

She gets the elevator up to Ally's floor – or what she thinks is Ally's floor – and finds what she hopes is Ally's apartment. When she knocks on the door and Ally answers it, Camila breathes a sigh of relief, but her friend doesn't have her usual smile on.

"Camila?" Ally asks with a frown, and Camila is shocked, because even though her Ally isn't her biggest fan, this is still the first time she's ever seen her frown. "What're you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come hang out," Camila says, "I can go if you want, I know it's last minute. I just got bored and I know Dinah's busy."

"Oh," Ally replies, and her smile is back in seconds. "Well, uh, come in. I thought you were- uh, someone else."

Camila raises her eyebrows, wondering who Ally was expecting. "If I'm cockblocking right now, I'll leave."

"Oh, um, no," Ally plays her off with a laugh. "It's fine, I'm by myself. We could bake if you wanted. You could call Dinah and invite her."

Camila, whose plan is to avoid Dinah, shakes her head. "Like I said, Dinah's busy. If you need a third person, I could text someone else."

"Sure," Ally smiles, "the more the merrier. I'm thinking about trying a new recipe, so I'll go and get my laptop. Feel free to invite anyone else."

Camila nods, and watches as Ally disappears into her bedroom. Her mind immediately jumps to Lauren, and she decides to test whether that dream Lauren had, about The X Factor, was entirely accurate.

Camila (1:37PM): hey if you're free right now my friend and i are baking and she said i can invite you

Camila (1:37PM): you haven't met her but don't worry she's like the nicest human on earth

Lauren (1:38PM): Is it cool if Lucy comes too?

Camila (1:38PM): yeah that's fine

Camila (1:38PM): i'll text my friend's address

Camila smiles to herself. She's got Lauren on board. Sure, Lucy will be there too, but if Lauren recognises Ally, she won't need to say anything. Camila will be able to tell; out of all the girls, she could read Lauren the best.

When Ally comes back out of her room with her computer, talking about a recipe she's found, Camila nods along, and waits for an opening to tell her that she's invited some people.

"Hey, Ally?" Camila says when Ally stops talking and scrolls through the five recipes on her computer. Ally always had trouble deciding what to bake, since everything seemed appealing to her. It's clear that's no different here. "I invited some friends."

"Alright," Ally says, still focused on her computer. "Are they in school with you?"

"Yeah, they're in the grade above." Camila explains. "Lauren Jauregui and Lucy Vives. They're dating so we'll probably be fourth wheels."

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