forty nine

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July 31st, 2017

When Lauren hears a loud laugh behind her, she spins around and practically falls off the stool she's standing on to reach the top of the shelf. Camila is quick to steady her, still laughing, and Lauren sends her a mock glare, rolling her eyes.

"And what are you doing here?" Lauren asks, raising her eyebrows as she looks her girlfriend over. "Isn't it too early for your annoying ass to be out of bed?"

"It's never too early to mock your ugly ass uniform," Camila smirks at her, her gaze raking over Lauren's body. "Wow. Sucks. I've been unappreciative of your ass for like, months, and the first time I really get to see it, you're wearing your magical ass removing bootcut khakis."

Lauren lets out a long, overdramatic sigh, and cuts open another box of Frosted Flakes. "Well, I haven't missed this. Do you think if I take my whole I love you speech back, you'll forget again?"

"Don't think so, babygirl. Those words are pretty much engrained in my brain, just like your ugly uniform is engrained in the must be mocked cortex." Camila laughs, before she lets out a relieved sigh and says, "Ah, it's good to be back."

"Not so good for some of us," Lauren says, watching with narrowed eyes as Camila grabs a package of Frosted Flakes and goes to put them on the shelf. "Camz, are you sure that you won't knock everything off, because this kind of takes while..."

Camila puts the one box on the shelf, but doesn't make a move to do anything else. Instead, she frowns at Lauren. "Why don't you just quit? I mean, this isn't our world, therefore you don't have to do this job. Or wear that ugly uniform, which, by the way, you won't escape getting dragged for if we go back."

"Well, I mean, we're pretty sure this is real, right?" Lauren asks her, and Camila nods. "So, like, this other me is real too. I can't go quitting her job for her, since my actions will have consequences once we go. I mean, it's bad enough that I almost got myself fired my first time around."

Camila snorts. "You did?"

"Well, I didn't know where I worked once I found out I had a job. Or what times." Lauren says, "And when I finally figured it out, I had no idea where anything went, so I was working really slowly. It was actually because of this job that I realised I was forgetting things. It all slowly started to come back, like... where everything went and stuff. And then... then I had this weird thought, comparing it to the times I couldn't grasp our choreography, and then I realised I couldn't remember any of it. Even though it's all pretty much etched into my brain."

Camila watches her carefully, before she sends her a small smile. "Well, I think it's cute that you care so much about this other-worldly version of yourself. Even if neither of us have ever truly met her. I feel kind of bad, since I've sort of dipped into my own college fund and made a rather... sizeable dent."

Lauren laughs. "Yeah, well, she's still me. Just... under different circumstances."

Camila pauses in thought, before she shrugs. "I guess so. Anyway, do you want to go for breakfast?"

After a few moments of silence, and assessing Camila, Lauren just laughs. "You just want McDonald's, don't you?"

"I mean, you said it, not me," Camila sends her a teasing smirk, "can we do this? You know... if we... go back. When we're on breaks. Can we meet for breakfast?"

"I mean, I think we'll be meeting for a lot more than breakfast." Lauren points out, and Camila smirks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Lauren just snorts and rolls her eyes. "Not like that, you big perv."

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