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December 3rd, 2016

"So, on a scale of one to ten, how festive are you?" Lauren asks her, swinging their hands as they walk down the street. "Are you one of those people who literally gets excited for Christmas in June, or are you a Christmas Eve excitement kinda girl?"

Camila smiles a little, thinking back to Christmases when Sofi was really little, and how they'd both be so excited for Santa. If she's being honest, Camila believed in Santa Claus for an embarrassingly long time.

Lauren's question, however, makes her think about how she won't be here for Christmas. She'll be back in her real life, gearing up to start her solo career.

"Yeah. I get excited pretty early," Camila finally answers, and Lauren frowns at the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. "Like right now. We can't really be super festive in Miami, considering it's kind of a perpetual summer, but we could try?"

Lauren brightens when Camila seems to perk up. "Yeah, sure. I know a place we can go ice skating-"

"That's a definite no," Camila interrupts. While she's outgrown her clumsiness at least a little, Camila Cabello and ice skates are not a good mix. "I'll crack my head open on the ice or something."

Lauren pouts, and Camila has to look away, because there's no way she'll be able to say no to that. "But Camila. It's the only wintery thing we'll get to do. Unless you want to fly up to Canada to play in some snow."

"Maybe if we had infinite money," Camila comments, and when she looks back at Lauren, she's still pouting. It's enough to make her cave. "Fine, okay? We'll go ice skating, but you have to protect me."

"Duh, of course I will," Lauren smiles at her, squeezing her hand. "I know you'll be like baby Bambi once we get on the ice."

Lauren looks so happy on the walk back to the car, that Camila almost blurts out how beautiful she thinks Lauren is. She knows Lauren wouldn't think anything weird of it, and would just take it as a compliment, but for a split second, Camila wants Lauren to know how she means it.

But she shakes that off, because there's no point. Starting something with Lauren would only hurt her when she leaves in fifteen days. Just this friendship is going to hurt her, because she'll wake up in a world where Lauren Jauregui hates her. And Camila isn't sure she'll be able to handle that.

"What're you thinking about?"

Lauren's question makes Camila jump. She can't exactly be honest without coming off like a complete psychopath, so she makes something up. "Just about my impending death on the ice."

Lauren laughs, holding open the passenger seat door for Camila. "I told you I'd protect you."

Hearing that makes Camila's stomach flutter, but she ignores it. "Yeah, but you're not exactly strong. You're a seventeen-year-old girl, not John Cena."

"Hey," Lauren pouts as she buckles herself into the driver's seat. "I can handle your skinny ass."

Camila frowns to herself. "I'm pretty sure my ass is the one thing about me that isn't skinny, Laur."

"Oh, shut up," Lauren rolls her eyes, starting the car. "You know what I meant. My point is, I'm going to protect you. So shut up and let me do that."

Camila rolls her eyes, but smiles. "Fine. I guess I'll let you look after me. Unless... can you even ice skate?"

"I mean, not to brag or anything, but I'm basically a pro," Lauren announces, but after a few moments, she laughs. "No, not really. I'm okay at it. Last winter, I- um, I went with Lucy, and I was better than her, so-"

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