twenty nine

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March 29th, 2017

Camila is sorting through her locker, grabbing the books she'll need for the day, and thinking about texting Lauren to find out where she is, when she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist and give her a soft squeeze around the middle. A body presses flush against hers, and Camila smiles when she catches Lauren's familiar vanilla scent, as her girlfriend rests her chin on Camila's shoulder.

"Hey," Camila puts one hand on top of Lauren's and uses the other to close her locker. She turns around, going to pull her girlfriend into a kiss, but stops when she actually looks at Lauren. "Um... who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?"

Lauren laughs awkwardly, shrugging. "Ask Normani."

After looking Lauren over, Camila laughs a little. Her hair is parted to the side, and clipped out of her face, and she's looking at Camila through a pair of fake glasses. She's wearing a pastel pink, frilly dress, and it's so unlike Lauren that Camila immediately pulls out her phone and snaps a photo.

"Hey, no, don't-" Lauren pouts, and Camila takes another photograph. "Do you really need this documented?"

"Uh, yeah, especially because it looks like the last thing you'd want on camera," Camila snorts, playing with one of the frills on Lauren's dress. "Well... even though I love the band tees and skinny jeans, as your girlfriend, I guess I've got to support you in your sudden new fashion choices."

"It's not- get off," Lauren smacks her hand away when Camila plays with the bottom of the dress, "Mani's got this play she's doing for her drama class, and she asked me to help out, and decided to make me play this character."

When Lauren gestures over herself, Camila laughs again, before she reaches out and taps Lauren's nose ring. "If you want this performance to be believable, maybe you should consider taking your nose ring out. I doubt a girl who dresses like she's still six would get a nose piercing."

Lauren rolls her eyes. "I'm taking it out for the actual performance. Not now, I don't want to risk it closing up."

"Well, even though you look nothing like yourself, I think it's adorable." Camila smiles, kissing Lauren's cheek. "If this doesn't completely expose you as the bottom you really are, though... I'll be surprised."

"Camz," Lauren whines, "don't be mean to me."

"Not being mean, baby, just stating facts," Camila teases her, before she takes Lauren's hand and walks her down the corridor. She looks Lauren over again, unable to shake the feeling that she's seen her girlfriend like this before, but she laughs it off, because Lauren would never wear something like this without a reason. "Oh my god, I have an idea."

Lauren raises her eyebrows. "What's your idea?"

Camila just tugs Lauren down the corridor excitedly, stopping in front of her girlfriend's locker. "Open it."

Lauren frowns a little at the order, but puts in her combo and opens her locker, and Camila grins when the thing she wants is in there. "Wait, what-"

Camila ignores her, pulling Lauren's leather jacket on and grinning to herself. "Now I'm clearly the badass."

"You know, the only reason I'm letting you wear that is because I think you look cute in my clothes," Lauren tells her, "not for any other reason."

"Oh, so it's not because you want a bad girl to come and put you in your place?" Camila comments, smirking when Lauren blushes and looks down at her feet. "Okay then."

"Hey, Camilla, looking good."

Camila frowns at the voice, and when she sees Austin Mahone, unapologetically staring at her ass, she snorts. "My eyes are up here, asshole. But don't bother, I'm not interested."

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