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April 7th, 2017

"Aren't you going to tell me how you did it?"

Camila blinks in surprise, looking up from her work; she'd neglected doing any homework when she thought she'd go back at any moment, and now she's trying her best to catch up on everything lest she be held back.

God knows she wouldn't want to be stuck in school two years Lauren-less instead of one.

She glances up from the Spanish work she's breezing through, and smiles at Shawn. "Hey! How'd I do what, exactly?"

"Uh, you managed to get the girl you'd been crushing on for years, duh?" Shawn looks at her like she's crazy and sits down across from her. "And then, you didn't even tell me. Forget about our pact?"

Camila winces a little; if she's being completely honest, she really had forgotten about that. "Um... sorry?"

Shawn sighs. "It's okay. Now, spill. How'd you do it? I thought you couldn't speak more than two words to her."

Maybe this Camila couldn't, but I like to think I'm pretty smooth, Camila thinks, knowing she's definitely not, and she doesn't really know how she made Lauren fall for her. She just did. "Well, we made friends. I comforted her after a breakup. But if it wasn't for me drinking my body weight in alcohol on New Year's Eve and telling her I liked her, she and I would probably still be just friends."

"Great, so all I need to do for Luis to like me back is get drunk and tell him?" Shawn sarcastically replies, and sighs. "Well, I'm happy for you, Mila. Even if it means I've got to find another lesbian to fake-date."

Camila frowns. "You don't need to do that. It doesn't matter if people assume your sexuality, because the only person that can define that is you."

Shawn shrugs. "I know, I just don't want to disappoint anyone. But I'm happy for you, finally being comfortable enough to come out. And get a cute girlfriend."

Camila grins, thinking of Lauren. "Yeah, she is really cute, isn't she? God, I love her so much."

The words tumble out before Camila can stop them, and she's thankful it's just Shawn hearing them, and not Lauren. She definitely wouldn't want to freak Lauren out; Camila might've loved Lauren since she was fifteen, but Lauren definitely didn't feel that way yet. Camila can tell.

"I'm glad you're happy, Mila," Shawn tells her, squeezing her hand. "Anyway, thanks for your subpar advice on getting your crush to like you, but I've got to run. Piano lesson."

Camila smiles. "Alright, I'll see you."

When Shawn gets up and heads out of the library, Camila focuses back on her work, quickly finishing off the Spanish. She'd decided to focus on the stuff she finds easiest first, and breeze through it all until she got to the hard stuff, like math.

(Granted, she was just planning on making Dinah do that for her.)

She's making annotations in pencil on her school-issued copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, when there's another interruption.

"Writing on a book?" Lauren's raspy voice immediately makes Camila smile. "Blasphemy. Not allowed."

Camila laughs softly, before she looks up and rolls her eyes. "It's the school's book. They told us we could write in them, as long as it's in pencil, so we can rub the annotations out for the next students."

"I know, I did the same last year," Lauren says, sitting down and looking at Camila's annotations, "I can't even read those, your handwriting is too messy. But it's cute."

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