Family meeting

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"The spell will take full effect tomorrow," Twilight said."Good luck...Applebuck."

Applejack gave a smile. "You can call me that name tomorrow. And Twilight... Thank you."

"Anything for a friend." Twilight said. "I hope everything works out well. Hey Is the potion in there?"

Twilight pointed to Applejack's saddle.

Applejack nodded. She reached into her saddle, getting the glowing bottle out. The two mares gazed at it and sat down. Looking at the glowing bottle. "Yep. One drink of this and it'll do the trick, lasting three days."

Twilight gave a smile to her friend. "Seems like her spells and potions are getting stronger each day."

"Yea.. Good thing shes on our side." They both laughed softly.Applejacks faces suddenly changed. She played with the bottle with her hooves. "Hey, Twi You're not upset that ah Well, that ah'm into mares? You'll still hang out with meh, right?"

Twilight gazed at her, frowning she held a hoof to the mares face. Slowling turning her face, Twilight made eye contact. "Applejack, how could you say such a thing? Of course. We'll still hang out. We're best friends. Ill love you no matter what."

Twilight leaned in, gently giving her a nuzzle in the cheek. Applejack blushed, leaning her hat further down her head. She gave a smile.

"That's good to hear." Applejack said as Twilight pulled away.

"Besides... I have a confession to make. I have a crush as well." Twilight chuckled nervously. Applejack raised an eyebrow with a smile. Twilight laughed. "Let's just say, it's not a pink hair pony that makes partys."

"Whoa. You and Pinkie pie?" Applejack was in shock. That was unexpected.

"What?" Twlight blushed deeper.

"Oh nothing. Just um. Never expected it to be Pinkie Pie and never expected you to be into mares as well. You two are opposites"

"she's cute alright and I like mares too!" Twilight said. "Pinkie Pie is  funny and nice and she'll always be there for somepony and of course we're different and all. But she's amazing and-"

Twilight stopped talking when she saw Applejack grinning at her.

"S-shut up!" Twilight wings opened up and her fur poofed up.

"Looks like somepony got a wing boner thinking about a certain pink pony." Applejack laughed. "So when are you gonna tell her?"

"Actually im not sure." Twilight folded her wings and fixed her fur. "But I will soon."

"Good luck to you then." Applejack smiled. "Well, I better get going. Its going to be late soon."

"Ill see you later then." Twilight waved.

Applejack waved goodbye and started to head home.
Applejack adjusted her saddle bag and begin to head home. Part one was done.


Applejack stared at her house where her family was. Now it was time for part two.

"Sis! You're back!" Applebloom came running toward the door where Applejack stood, giving her a big hug Applebloom grinned widely. "What's in the saddle?

"Hey Applebloom." Applejack gave a soft smile. " Hey, can you fetch Big Mac? We're gonna do a family meeting and uh its a surprise."

"Sure can!" Applebloom hopped away into the fields.

Applejack sighed as she headed toward the kitchen where her grandma was cooking. How was she going to explain all this to her family? Will they understand?

"Hey granny." Applejack stood nearby.

" Afternoon Applejack." She smiled. "How are you?"

"Ah'm doing good Ah-."

"No. You're not."

Applejack was taken back. "Pardon?"

"Something is on your mind." Granny said, glaring at her. "Its okay to tell me, you know."

"How did you.."

"Im your granny. I know everything." She chuckled softly. "And we're family."

""Applejack looked down at her hooves. She sighed.

"We're back!" Applebloom called out, with Big mac walking begind her. They came into the kitchen. Applebloom grinned widely. "And we're ready for the family meeting!"

"Family meeting eh?" Granny raised an eyebrow toward Applejack.

"Yea." Applejack sighed deeply. She looked at her family. "Ah got something to tell y'all. In fact, its been something that Ah'll been wanting to tell y'all for a long time."

They all stared, waiting for her to continue.

"Ah.." Her voice cracked. "Ah like mares..."

"Ok." Applebloom said as if it wasn't news at all.

Applejack looked at her family with wide eyes. They didn't look surprised one bit. "Y'all not upset?"

"Upset?" Granny came forward wrapping her hooves around the mare. "Honey why would we be upset?"

"Its just not normal." Applejacks eyes filled with tears.

"Honey. Its okay. Honestly when I was in my younger years I liked a few mares myself. There's nothing wrong with it. Its true love. And we accept you the way you are."

"Eeyup." Big Mac gave a smile.

"Really y'all?" Applejack was amazed. They all nodded. She smiled even more. "That makes me happy."

"Oooh! Is it Rarity? Is it? Is it?" Applebloom bounced around with joy.

"Yea." Granny agreed. "That mare is a good one. She's a keeper."

Applejack's face begin to turn pink. "Y-Yea. It is. Ah liked her for a long time and Ah well. Ah... Ah'm gonna be a stallion for her"

"A stallion?" Granny asked confused. "How are you gonna-"

"With this." Applejack pulled out the potion and held it in her hooves. "With this potion, Ah will become a stallion for 3 days and for 3 days I have to get Rarity to fall in love with me in order to stay a stallion. Zecora made it for me."

They all stared.

"And Ah.." Applejack continued. "Ah was kinda hoping to get yer blessing."

Granny smiled. "Of course you get our blessing."

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"Ah'm gonna have a big brother!!" Applebloom jumped up and down. "Well only for 3 days but still!!"

"And um. Twilight did a spell for me by tomorrow morning everyone will know me as Applebuck and-"

"Applebuck. That's a cute name." Granny chuckled softly.

Applejack blushed. "And um. Everyone but Rarity will know meh as Applebuck. Twilight even changed all the photos of meh into a stallion for 3 days. This way Ah get to know Rarity when Ah'm a new pony."

"Are you sure this is what you want? " Granny asked. " why not tell her now? As a mare. Maybe she'll love you back."

"Ah can't. Rarity isn't into mares."

"Sugarcube. You dont know that. Maybe she is."

"And if she's not. Ah'll run our friendship." Applejack frowned. "Its.. Its better this way."

"Alright then." Granny said. " Its your choices."

"Well, drink it!!! " Applebloom said with joy. "Drink the potion!!"

"Go on." Granny nodded.

Applejack opened up the cap,slowly she begin to drink it.

Her body started to fell wired and hot and it felt like she couldn't breath.

Applejack collapsed to the ground. The last thing she heard was her family shouting her name then everything went pitch black.

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