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"Shhh! She's waking up!!"

"She? Don't you mean him, granny?"


Applejack moaned as he was slowly begin to wake up. His version was blurry but he saw that his family was leaning over him, staring at him.

"Argh.."  He slowly sat up. His mind was rushing. "What happened?"

"What happened is that you're a stallion, Applebuck." Granny gave a smile.

"Ah..ah am?" Applebuck looked at his hooves, they were shaven like Big mac. His ponytail was gone, instead he had long hair like his father. He grew bigger and taller. His body was thinner then Big macs and he was bit shorter then him. Applebuck had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes filled with tears of happiness. "It worked! Ah'm a stallion."

"A handsome stallion." Granny gave a smile. Tears filled in her eyes. She held Applebucks cheek. "Just like your father."

Applebuck held his grannys hoof with his own. "Thank you granny."

"My new big brother!!" Applebloom nearly tackled Applebuck,wrapping her hooves around the stallion, she grinned widely.

Applebuck chuckled,returning the hug.

"Ya look good." Big Mac said with a smile.

"Thanks.Y'all." Applebuck said. His new body felt weak. "Um. Ah'll like to rest now. Everything hurts."

"We could tell."Granny nodded. "You passed out quicker then a apple falling from a tree. Ya go rest now."

He got up and said goodnight to his family. Tomorrow is going to be a new day.

Morning came. It was beautiful outside, birds were singing and the sun was shining.

It felt great.

Applebuck sat up and gazed at his hooves. He smiled and whispered. "Ah'm finally a stallion."

He knew it was only going to last 3 days if he didn't win Rarity's love. But now he finally had a good chance and he was positive to win her love.

"Bro, you're finally up!" Applebloom stood by the door. She waved. "Granny said to come and fetch ya. Breakfast is ready."

"Be right there sis."

Applebloom smiled before she closed the door. Applebuck stood off his bed and gazed into the mirror.

"Ah really do look like ma father..." He whispered. Fixing his mane he headed downstairs.

"About time yer awake son." Granny flipped a pancake while Big Mac helped. "Ya overslept."

"Sorry granny," Applebuck chuckled. He took a seat where a plate full of pancakes where. "But I gotta go. I need to do something."

"Alright. But be back before supper!"

"Can do." Applebuck quickly ate his food then waved goodbye. "Bye y'all."

"Bye, bro!" Applebloom called out.

Now. The question was. Where was Rarity?

"Hey Applebuck!" A mare called out, waving. Applebuck waved back.

"Applebuck! Good morning!"  A sales pony waved.

"Good morning." Applebuck called out.

It worked. Twilight's spell worked. Everypony knew him as a stallion, everypony but one.

Applebuck saw Rarity. She was looking at flowers nearby.

"Perfect timing." Applebuck grinned. He cleared his throat before he bravely started to walk towards the mare.

"Thank you again for the flowers." Rarity used her magic to pick up the flowers. She turned around and begin heading home, with a smile she had her eyes closed and she began humming. The thing is, she didn't see Applebuck and Applebuck didnt see her. It happened so fast.

They ran into each other. It caught them both off guard.

"Oh!" Rarity lost grip on her flowers and they fell everywhere. Her face turned red "I-Im so sorry. I didn't see where I was going."

Rarity bend down. Picking up the flowers with her hooves.

"That's okay." Applebuck tried his best to not blush. He bend down to help. "Here. Ah'll help."

They both picked up flowers. There was a flower in front of them and they both reached for it. Their hooves touched.

"Oh. My apologies." Rarity said pulling her hoof away.

"Is alright, here." Applebuck picked up the flower and gave it to her. "This blue flowers suits you. It matches your eyes."

"" Raritys face lit up. "Thank you..umm"

"Applebuck." He smiled "ya know meh Rarity."

Confusion was written on her face.

"Um." She looked uncomfortable and laughed awkwardly. " My, these flowers got dirty. I better get new flowers.."

She turned around before Applebuck could say another word.

'Nice move, why would you say her name if she doesn't know meh. 'Applebuck thought. He frowned.  'Okay, just play it cool. Act like a charming Prince.'

He walked where Rarity was standing. She was looking at blue flowers. Applebuck held his breath.

Rarity was the one pony who doesn't know Applebuck the stallion but instead Applejack the mare. So, of course it'll be awkward if a pony you never met says that they know you.

Applebuck began to wonder, Having Rarity remember him as a mare wasn't such a bright idea.

Applebuck looked around. He found the most purple flowers. Grinning, he grabbed them

"Ahem." Applebuck cleared his throat. He stood next to Rarity, who stared at him with a wired look. Applebuck gave an awkward laugh as he held up the purple flower. " um. This flower. It matches your eyes?"

She gave a small smile but didn't accept the flowers. "Thank you once Again.. Applebuck."

" Its okay if ya dont remember meh." Applebuck said awkwardly. It has hard to make a conversion.

"You're right, I don't." She turned to leave."

"Ah know that we're best friends!" Applebuck called out. Rarity stopped but didn't turn around. Applebuck continued. "Ah know that there was a storm and we had to take shelter at Twilights. Ah know that we dared each other alot and ah know that we slept in the same bed and fought over the blanket."

Rarity slowly turned around, her eyes wide. "How...only ..only. Applejack knows that!! How could you.."

"Rarity its okay if ya saw me as a mare." Applebuck said, he had no idea where he was going with this. " Ah mean. Lots of ponies think Ah'm  a mare because of ma mane."

"You're saying that my friend, Applejack isn't real?" Rarity frowned. "You're lying! You're saying that I'm crazy! That's not true. Applejack is my best friend and she's a mare!! I'll prove it! Y-you jerk!"

Rarity took off running.

'Well, that could've gone better.'

"What was Ah thinking." Applebuck mumbled under his breath. "Now she thinks that Ah'm a jerk."

"Sir. Are you going to pay for those flowers?"

"Huh? Applebuck turned around. A mare stood in front of him. He realized that he was still  holding the purple flowers. "Oh, uh sure."

Applebuck paid for the flowers and begin to head toward Twilights castle

'well, time to go see Twilight before Ah do more damage to Rarity.'

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