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Twilight and Pinkie stared at each other. They didn't know what to do.

Applebuck coughed.

They quickly pulled away from each other.

"My answer is yes to your date, Twily." Pinkie said. "I'll come tonight to pick you up at 8, sound good?"

"Sounds amazing. Ill see you then."

Pinkie waved to her friends and bounced away. Twilight waved.

"Uh, Twilight?"


"Yer still waving."


"What happened hmm? You actually did a good job. I'm proud of ya." Applebuck grinned."see? told ya it was all gonna work out."

"Yeah, thanks Applebuck. I feel alot better now that I told her how I felt."

"Hey, twil. Can Ah ask you a question?

"Yeah." Twilight turned around to face him. "What is it?"

"Ya don't know how to kiss, do ya?"

Twilight's face turned red. She gazed down at the floor. "Well I've never really dated anypony. I was way into my books, and-"

"Ah'll kiss ya."

Twilight's wings opened once a again.

"Ya really need to control yer wings."

Her face turned pink. "Applebuck, why would you want to kiss me?"

"Twily, Ah gotta be honest." Applebuck sat down. "We're at that point of friendship where if ya wanna kiss meh, ah'll be okay with it. Ah trust ya. Now come here and get a kiss."

" What,No!"

"It's only a practice one. How awkward would it be, if  ya try to kiss Pinkie again and ya freeze again? Pinkie knows how to kiss, she dated a few ponies before ya got here." Applebuck said, then he grinned. "Besides ah'm a great kisser."

"Im still not sure.." Twilight said.

"That's okay."  Applebuck gave a smile before he stood back up. "Well, ah gotta get going then. Good luck on yer date."

Applebuck begin to head toward the door.

"Wait..." Twilight said. Applebuck stopped. "I'll do it."

"That's my mare." He chuckled then he sat down. "Okay kiss meh ."


"It's okay, sugarcube. Ya lead." Applebuck closed his eyes. "Take yer time."

"No I just don't know how to start."

"Ya just go for it."

"Okay.." Twilight nervously looked at his lips before quickly leaned in.

Applebuck smiled against the kiss. It only lasted a few seconds.

"Holy apples." Applebuck adjusted his hat and gave a smile. "That was cute. You're a natural, Twilight."


"Yep. Make it last longer next time, good luck on your date. I gotta talk to Rarity."Ah'll see ya around."

"Bye, Applebuck."

It was getting late. And Granny did say to come back but then again Applebuck did need to talk to Rarity.

"Well, there's always tomorrow." Applebuck said as he begin to head home.



"What in equestria??"

Rarity made it home and begin to head toward her work station, but stopped when she noticed something different in a photo that was hung up.

She glazed closer. It was different. Applejack looked like a stallion. No. That can't be right. Rarity used her magic to bring the photo closer to her face. Applejack did indeed look like a stallion.

"You finally going to tell him how you feel?"

Rarity jumped. She turned around and saw that Sweetie bell was staring up at her.

"Sweetie" Rarity placed the photo back. "You came home early, I thought you were hanging out with your friends."

"Eh. I was but there's not that many ponies that need our help, so we just decided to head home." She explained. "You didn't answer my question. Are you fianlly going to tell Applebuck?"


"Yeah, you know.." Sweetie gave her a confusing look. "The stallion who helped save equestria. Who's also  your friend?"

"Right...of course." Rarity gave a fake smile. She begin to think.

"Hey, if its alright with you, can I go over to Button's house today?"

"Yes, but be back before supper."

Rarity waved her goodbye before she begin to think again.

'I really going crazy, aren't I'

Rarity sighed.

Time to find out the truth. Rarity begin to   head toward Applejacks house.

True love kiss (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now