The Date

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"Hm!" Applebuck growled.

"Alright lets go "

Rarity paced back and fourth in her home.

"Okay. The day is the day."

"The day for what?"

"Gah!" Rarity turned around to see her little sister staring at her. Rarity sighed. "Sweetie darling. You really shouldn't sneak up on your sister like that."

"Ops. My bad. But what's today?"

"Oh er. Um." Rarity wasn't sure if she should tell her sister. But then again, Sweetie bell will always find out. "I'm going on a date. So I need to get ready."

"Date?" Sweetie bell grinned and clapped her hooves. "With who? Is it somepony I know?"

Rarity turned around. "It's Applebuck.."

Rarity wished she had earphones because Sweetie bell started screaming loudly. Happily sweetie jumped around the room.

"That means Applebloom will be my sister!"

"Ee. Sure darling."  Rarity gave a nervous smile. "Now go run along I need to get ready."

"Okay! Have fun!!"

Rarity sat on top of her bed and laid there. She lost track of time.



  "How do Ah look?"      

Applebuck stood in front of a mirror. Big mac stood next to him looking up and down his body. He smiled.

"Not bad, really."   He said. "Ya ready?"

"Ready as ah'll ever be."

"Good. Now get out of here!!"

"....did Ya just spank my flank?"

"Eenope." He grinned.

"Ok. Ok. Ah need flowers. Girls like flowers right?" Applebuck walked around town. He spotted a flower stand and next to it was a chocolate stand. "And girls like chocolate too right?"


He turned around to see Twilight smiling at him.

"Hey. " Applebuck smiled. "What brings you here? Ya looking for Pinkie? I haven't seen her."

"No. Actually she had to help make cakes for a few ponies. I came to get her something but then I saw you."  Twilight explained. "How's it going?"

"Ah'm dying. Can't ya see? I'm sweating like crazy. My heart feels like it's about to explode ah ah. . " Applebuck took a deep breath. "Ah don't know what to do. Today's the last day. And Ah've barely made any process with her. What if it doesn't work? What if ah'm too late?"

"Hey. Don't say that. Hey. Look at me." Twilight used her hoofs to turn his face towards her. She smiled. " it won't be too late and it will work. Wanna know why? Because you're an amazing pony. You helped me. Now it's time to help you. Get Blue flowers and dark chocolate. Rarity loves those."

"Okay. Thank you." Applebuck wiped the tears away. " heh. A grown stallion crying. What a silly thing."

"It's not silly. You're just in love."

"Yeah..." Applebuck nodded. He smiled. "Thanks."

They shared a long hug.

"Um. Applebuck?"


"Mind loosen your grip just a bit? You're kinda crushing me."

"Oops sorry." He let go and grinned. "Haven't gotten fully used to ma new strength. I'm loving it kinda. Hehe "

"Yeah..." Twilight gazed down for a moment. She suddenly leaned up and gently nuzzled him on the cheek.

"Whoa.. Where did that come from?"  Applebuck was surprised. He gripped his hat from falling. He blushed.

Twilight realized what she just did.

"Gah! I'm sorry!" Twilight tried to hide herself under her wings. "I didn't mean to do it. I just. I've been really really affectionate lately and anything I see I just wanna cuddle it and nuzzle it."

"Sounds like ya have an addiction. Ah'm flattered but ah think Pinkie Pie can help ya with that." He joked.

Twilight was beat red. "Yeah..I...I better go find her then. Thank you."

"See ya twily." Applebuck waved. "Have fun! Okay back to what ah was doing.."

"Hey Rare?"

Sweetie Bell stood at the door way of Rarity's room.

"Yes? Sweetie bell? What is it?" Rarity was laying on her back on her bed. She had a hoof covering her face.

"What time is Applebuck supposed to be here? Cause I heard a knock and-"

"Knock?" Rarity flew to her alarm clock. "Oh my! Is he here?"

"I think so?"

"Nonononono." Rarity rushed around her room. "He can't be here already. Sweetie bell! I need you to stall him while I get ready!"

"Stall him? I'll try."
Applebuck cleared his throat. Flowers. Check. Chocolate. Check. Outfit.check. that's all, right?

He stood in front of Raritys house and waited patiently for somepony to open the door.

The door opened and Applebuck was about to speak but noticed that it wasn't Rarity standing at the door but her little sister. Sweetie bell.

"Hi!" She waved.

"Hello. Sweetie bell." He smiled. "Is your sister home?"

"Yup. Come on in."

They both sat on the couch.

"Is that for my sister?"

"Hm?" Applebuck gazed down at what he was holding. "Oh yes. Do ya think she'll love them?"

"Yupp!!" Sweetie bell cheered happily. "It's her favorite flowers and she really loves dark chocolate."

"Happy to hear that." He smiled.

They talked for a while. But it seemed like time went by really fast.


They both turned around to see Rarity in a blue dress. Her mane was nicely place to the side.  She slowly walked down the stairs.

Applebuck stared in awe. "Ya..ya...ya look beautiful."

"Aw. Thank you darling." She blushed. "Are those for me?"

"Uh eeyup!" Applebuck struggled with his gifts. Rarity gave a smile and used her magic to carry the items. Applebuck chuckled nervously. "Hope ya liked them."

"I do. They're amazing. Here sweetie bell. Take these."

"Can i go to rumbles house today?" Sweetie bell took the gifts.

"Okay for a while." Rarity looked back at Applebuck. "You look nice. You ready to go?"

They walked out, side by side. The weather was nice. And Applebuck had a big plan for Rarity.

"Ah have a big plan for us Rarity. " Applebuck said. "First a play, then dinner then after that ah was thinking we should watch the sunset together."

"Sounds lovely." Rarity leaned against him as they walked. She smiled. Applebuck grinned.

They had watched a play and ate dinner. Now they were walking to a spot to watch the sunset.As the time went by, Applebuck would notice Rarity staring at him and when ever he looked at her, she would blush and look away. It was working. Rarity was falling in love.

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